The Ins & Outs of CAM

Computer-Aided is used to automatize CNC Machining and 3D Printing and is used in many industries. Additive CAM adds material to the design, while subtractive CAM takes away material. CAM offers many advantages and you should take them in consideration when you are thinking about using CAM.

Top-Earning Dead Celebrities of the Past 5 Years

This infographic explores some of the deceased celebrities earning millions of dollars years after their deaths. Some examples include: Michael Jackson, who earned $400 million in 2018; and Elvis Presley, who earned $40 million. Readers will be surprised to learn how much their beloved celebrities’ estates are earning annually, and where that money comes from.

What Is ABA Therapy & How It Can Help

Are you having a difficult time helping your child to stop engaging in problem behaviors or learning new skills? If you are not sure or feel like you need help or more information, consider asking your educators, therapists, or doctors about Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). ABA is a well-developed scientific discipline that focuses the use of effective interventions to produce meaningful changes in human behavior.

Valentine’s Day – Beyond The Roses

Valentine’s Day is thought by many to be the most romantic day of the year, with promises of eternal love and beautiful floral gifts exchanged every February 14th. While the traditional gift of a dozen red roses has always been a popular choice, there is an increasing demand for non-traditional Valentine’s floral gifts. In the following infographic, Florida Flowers has taken a deeper look into the statistics behind Valentine’s Day.

Celebrities Earn How Much More?!

Most celebrities live a glamorous lifestyle, envied by many, often resulting from their fortunes generated from a job that they may have started as a hobby. As such, it is interesting to see the disparity between how much a celebrity gets paid per year to that of the average person – to do the same job. Data was taken from – of average UK salaries per industry – and compared with gross earnings of the UK top 12 paid celebrities, given by The Telegraph.

Life After the Recovery Process

When adjusting after the recovery process, take the time needed to re-adapt and ask for help when needed. JC Recovery Center has developed the following infographic which provides tips for continuing life after a recovery program. Some include continuing therapy sessions and support group meetings, spending time learning a new skill or finding new social activities.

Recommendations From Fast Braces Providers

Dental braces are a necessity for many people. Wearing dental braces is not life-altering, but you should prepare for the proper ways to eat, brush, maintain, and travel with your braces. By following these tips compiled by Fastbraces, your braces will stay clean and maintained so that you can have a perfect smile in no time.

Acupuncture For Neck Pain: How Does it Work?

For the past recent years, doctors and medical experts around the world have studied several ways that can help alleviate neck pain, including acupuncture. Contrary to what many people know, acupuncture is already recognized worldwide as an effective treatment for chronic pain conditions. In fact, an analysis of 29 studies about acupuncture found that such treatment has successfully helped people with back and neck pain to feel better than those who had no treatment.