The UK Student Market

Purpose built student accommodations are one of the most lucrative assets to the UK property market. The student population in the UK is growing, with rates of overseas students rising and leaving some of the UK’s major cities such as Manchester with a demand for high-quality property. Here is an infographic that outlines some of the key facts about the student population and the student housing market in the UK.

Impressions – A New At-Home Invisalign Alternative

Invisalign is a great way to straighten your teeth if you can afford it, but that treatment will run about $7,000. This infographic was created to introduce people to a new type of invisible aligner called Impressions. These aligners combine all of the advancements of Invisalign’s teeth straightening technology with the convenience of home.

Are You Able To Call 911 In An Emergency?

In an emergency, you may not even think twice about calling 911 to get help from emergency services. However, dialing 911 was only initiated in 1968 as a standardized way to access emergency services across the nation. Of course, telephone technology has undergone significant changes since the sixties, and unfortunately, 911 services have not kept up.

Black Friday: Statistics Behind the Biggest Shopping Day in the World

Black Friday is getting bigger and bigger each year – and despite numbers seemingly shrinking in department stores across the globe, the increased dominance of e-commerce and mobile shopping shows up in these stunning numbers behind the world’s favorite shopping day. In the following infographic, AppInstitute looks at some statistics behind the biggest shopping day in the world.

Fetching an Edge With Pet-Friendly Apartment Amenities

Pet owners are having a big impact on the apartment rental market. Can you leverage your pet-friendly apartment community to be more competitive and profitable? The team at have rounded up some key points to consider including logistics, financial trends, and popular pet amenities. Check out this infographic for the best pet-friendly apartment amenities to keep in mind.

Return To UK City Centre Living

Whilst London has always been the most popular area in the UK when it comes to city centre living, other city centres such as Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and Birmingham now have some of the fastest growing populations. Take a look at this infographic which shows information on the population increase rates of each UK city, along with other statistics about the UK population and property mark

All You Need to Know About the Ketogenic Diet

The following infographic from Konscious Keto defines the Keto Diet and the effects it has on your body. Learn how you lose weight quickly and why you’ll never be hungry when on this diet. Also discover some of the benefits of the keto diet such as longer-lasting energy and enhanced focus. 

Around the World in 50 Traditional Breakfast Dishes

While it’s common knowledge that breakfast is considered the “most important meal of the day,” recent research is beginning to argue this claim. This infographic looks at 50 traditional breakfast traditions around the world in a fashion that will undoubtedly make you hungry. However, no matter what science determines, breakfast is still a universally beloved meal.

What is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is arguably one of the most common diagnoses and it is a condition that most of us have to some degree. In astigmatism, the structures within the eye are not properly round and because of that, it causes the light rays to bend or refract, a little bit uneven inside of the eye. This causes your vision to be blurry and distorted. However, the good news is that astigmatism isn’t actually a disease and you can correct this condition with glasses,