Signs It’s Time To Update Your Website

Having a functional website allows you to provide direct information to the user. Customers can get a great feel for your company and team, as well as read reviews. If you want to improve your website performance in search engines, you need to have an update-to-date web design. If your website isn’t converting new customers, there could be a design flaw that is turning people away.

iPad 2018: Mindblowing Facts & Figures

With Apple’s Q3 results being recently released, the team at Armour Dog have put together some astonishing facts and statistics behind Apple’s famous tablet division. They are all visually displayed in the following infographic.

How Hospital Administrators Empower Their Organizations

It is valuable to know how to empower your employees and manage well. Health administrators who can motivate their teams, and lead well, are able to impact their work culture. In this infographic, learn how to manage your health team, and work better together to achieve goals and provide high-quality health care.

Important Trends in Healthcare

Healthcare is a big trending topic these days. With the rise of technology, the healthcare industry is changing. Check out these new health trends, and learn how they may impact you in the future, in an infographic courtesy of Duquesne University.

An American Education 50 Years Ago vs Today

With the rise of personal computers and smartphones in every pocket, could educators of the past have ever guessed how technology would revolutionize the classroom today? Technology aside, schools and the school year itself, look much different than they did 50 years ago. In this infographic, compare American education 50 years ago vs today.

Difference Between Good and Bad Health IT

Do you know the difference between good and bad Health IT? If you have been studying new, relevant technologies as a part of your health informatics masters program, than you know that finding patients, evaluating test results and more everyday activities can either be helped or hampered by the information systems that treatment professionals currently use.

The Necessity of Exercise: Physical Activity and Aging

As the aging population keeps increasing, more and more older people are recognizing a growing need for exercise in their lives. Maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for sustaining health and happiness. Exercise can help older adults achieve a higher quality of life, and it can help them live longer as well.

Business Communication Challenges in 2018

Communication technology and techniques have improved vastly over the years – becoming more vital to business growth, especially in the age of digital distribution. In this infographic, University of Southern California Master of Communication Management Online looks at communication challenges businesses might face in 2018.

Truck Accidents: Big Dangers Lurking on the Road

The American economy is reliant on the ability of commercial trucks to deliver goods back and forth between our communities. From food to medical supplies to consumer goods and beyond, many of our daily items are shipped by trucks. Because of this, America has an incredibly high quantity of semi-trucks on the road and for the innocent motorist who shares the road, trucks are a deadly menace.

How Climate Change Affects Public Health

Climate change is an issue that not only concerns a large segment of the population but is one that also impacts the health and well-being of people around the world. In this infographic by University of Southern California Master of Public Health Online, discover how climate change affects public health.