The Power of Scent: Smell Facts

Smells are first processed by the olfactory bulb, which runs along the bottom of the brain. The olfactory bulb has direct connections to two other brain areas, the amygdala and the hippocampus. These ares have a strong implication in emotion and memory. None of the other senses pass through these two parts of the brain, which makes the sense of smell the most successful for triggering emotion and memory.

Colon Cancer 101

Colorectal cancers are extremely common, the third most frequently-diagnosed malignancy in US patients, according to the National Library of Medicine. But the disease is also very deadly. Colorectal cancer, which most often metastasizes to the liver, lung or abdomen,...

70+ Reasons Why Switching to a 4 Day Workweek is Better

Every one of us, at least once in our lives, lost the notion of working time. Some people have made a habit of this lifestyle, either for the chances of promotion, a better salary, rewards, and different benefits, or simply because the policy of the organization encourages work more hours. As an employee you you have to make a choice.

Wage Theft is a Huge Problem

America’s low-wage workers are protected by federal law, or so in theory! The vast majority of employees are entitled to at least the federal minimum wage and overtime pay under the under the Fair Labor Standards Act for any and all hours worked over 40 in a week. However, in practice, employers routinely cheat their workers out of both. It’s called wage theft and it’s a massive problem.

13 Amazing World Records in Gambling

There is no surprise that in the Guinness Book of World Records, there are many of records directly connected to gambling. The team at ANYGamble picked up some of the best ones and included them in the following infographic. For example, how long is the biggest blackjack table or how old is the oldest croupier in the world? The answers to these questions may surprise you.