Texting and Driving: A Deadly Combination

Texting while you are driving is not only an extremely stupid way to distract yourself from the road, it is also a deadly risk to the lives of you and everybody around you. This kind of neglectful driving is almost as selfish as getting behind the wheel when you are intoxicated. The following infographic shown depicts just how deadly texting and driving can be.

Monsters From British Mythology and Where to Find Them

Britain has a diverse culture of mythology and folklore and while some of us may be aware of the black dog type apparition, there is a wide variety of terrifying monsters passed down through the generations. This infographic from MyOffers looks at monsters from British mythology and shows us where to find them.

Why Start a Business in Tennessee

Opening a business is never easy, but in Tennessee, entrepreneurs can expect a supportive environment where angel investors are always looking for the next exciting venture. Tennessee is teeming with entrepreneurial spirit and small businesses make up 96.8% of businesses in the Volunteer State. In the following infographic, King Online MBA explores reasons why one might start a business in Tennessee.

YouTube Channel Art Cheat Sheet 2018

One thing to consider at the beginning stages of your YouTube channel is your channel art. This is the banner that appears on the top of your channel when someone first lands on your channel – it’s really the first impression. When designing your channel art, consider that the banner will look slightly different depending on the device. You wouldn’t want your face to be cut off on mobile view! filmora.io has created a Channel Art Cheat Sheet.

Odds of Famous Couples Getting Divorced

Who is the next famous couple to get divorced? To answer this question, USA Online Casino took a survey of 1,000 Americans and asked them to name the three celebrity couples they thought were most likely to hit the rocks in 2018. Find out who will be get divorced in 2018 with this infographic.

What You Should Know About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome which inflicts around 5 million women in the USA alone. Women with PCOS have enlarged ovaries which over produces androgens and typically have high insulin levels. PCOS causes a variety of health problems such as sleep apnea, heart disease and cancer.

Social Gaming & Online Gambling – Two Hot Markets Converging

Social gaming really came to the forefront in the early 2010s. People were able to play with their friends on their game consoles via Xbox Live and everyone was receiving Facebook notifications from friends inviting them to play Candy Crush. With social gaming becoming so popular, it seemed almost inevitable that it would eventually find its way into online casinos as these are some of the most popular places to play online.

50 Snacks That Are 100 Calories or Less

Dieting is hard work, especially when cravings kick in! Fortunately, there are easy and low-calorie ways to satisfy savory cravings, sweet cravings, and cravings for chocolate. In this infographic, TitleMax has listed 50 snack ideas that are quick to whip up and enjoy, or plan ahead to eat between meals.

How Often Should You Replace Your Roof?

Roofs are easy to forget about it. It’s only when there is a problem that you realize how important maintaining your roof is. That’s why Dangelo & Sons Roofing has created the following infographic with the goal to present information to homeowners in a fun and informative way.

9 Avant-Garde Color Trends to Expect in 2018

Brands presented consistently are 3 to 4 times more likely to experience brand visibility. So for the sake of consistency, there’s no need to chase every trend. But evolving your visual identity can help you keep up with consumers. If you’re re-branding or designing a logo in the new year, keep in mind these 2018 color trend predictions, displayed in infographic style.