The Benefits of Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is the practice of learning through doing. It encourages the student to have first-hand experiences with the materials, rather than learning through someone else’s experiences in textbook or lecture. It’s a learning style that has been studied thoroughly for decades, and one that is proven to be beneficial for all ages of students.

The Working Dead: Is Sleep Deprivation Turning Your Employees Into Zombies?

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), over 81 million or ⅓ of American adults are chronically sleep deprived and this number is rising. The problem is so prevalent that the CDC has declared insufficient sleep a “public health epidemic”. In the following infographic, Optisom looks at how sleep deprivation may be turning your employees into zombies.

Parenting In a Digital Age

Here is an infographic courtesy of Sitters and designed to enlighten to the realities of parenting in the digital age. Our children’s habits have changed through the integrated and widely adopted use of technology.

How Much Sleep Does A Baby Need?

It seems sleep is what new-borns do the most, that and eat and.. well, you know!. But just how much sleep does a baby need? The following infographic from Merino Kids explains some baby sleep facts that you should know.

7 Causes of Cramps Before Periods

Cramps before period (pre period cramps) can be a blessing or a curse. It could be an early sign of pregnancy or other medical conditions like endometriosis or ectopic pregnancy. While cramps before period is common just before menstruation starts, there are other possible causes.
The following infographic explains the commonest causes you should know.

The Anatomy of a Car Crash in Phoenix, Arizona

With over 6,553,255 people living in the state of Arizona, there are bound to be several car accidents and fatalities on Arizona roads. The following infographic by Cluff Law Firm covers statistics, causes and other essential information about car accidents specific to the city of Phoenix, Arizona.

Native American Homes

Throughout history, not all Native Americans have resided in teepees. In fact, most Native American cultures have not. In fact, no one specific type of house or building is truly representative of many tribes. This infographic explores the traditional structures of different Native American tribes, the materials used to create them, and the functions they serve.

Care Homes

Choosing a care home is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. Whether it’s for yourself or a family member, there are so many things you need to factor in. It can be an incredibly stressful time, but if you prepare and plan right, you’ll make the process much easier.