May 16, 2017 | Health Infographics
If you’re planning to detox your body, then you should know that there are do’s and don’ts to follow. This infographic from Pure Detox will help you achieve the best results at the same time avoid side affects. Keep in mind that body detox is no joke. So be careful.
May 15, 2017 | Offbeat Infographics
We’ve all heard about the extravagance of celebrity weddings and the high costs of all their lavish celebrations. In some cases, it may make us wish we had similarly massive budgets for our own weddings, and in other cases, it helps us realize we have much better ideas on how to spend that money. Here’s the breakdown from eBateseBates of some big-ticket celebrity wedding expenses and what you could do with that budget.
May 15, 2017 | Lifestyle Infographics
Mom is one of the closest persons to us in the world. She dedicated the best years of her life helping us to become the person who we are today. We may have never thought about acknowledging the amazing things she did for us. To be reminded of her sacrifice for your life, here is an infographic about the best reasons why you need to go hug your mom right now.
May 12, 2017 | Transportation Infographics
New research investigates the 13 most overcrowded trains in Britain to see how long you might be stuck on them – or waiting for them – and finds that the 07:34 Didcot Parkway to London Paddington has the highest chance of meeting with a delay – at stunning chances of 21/22. See all 13 in the following infographic.
May 12, 2017 | Business Infographics
In this infographic from, see charts and statistics that highlight how business owners in various markets are approaching business innovation in 2017. It also includes a list of the top 10 innovative countries according to...May 12, 2017 | Offbeat Infographics
Create your newsroom that is integrated directly with your social media, journalists and your customers is quick and easy with NEWSLINE360. Post press releases, articles, blog posts and more. Pitch journalists directly in your area and region. Learn al about it in this infographic.
May 11, 2017 | Lifestyle Infographics
When the world’s little problems challenges you, stand up and show who’s the boss with these 20 everyday hacks to make your life easier. Roll down and spare a moment, just to make sure that, next time when some thing little bothers you, you are ready to knock it down.
May 11, 2017 | Internet Infographics
There are currently 1 billion plus websites on the web. These numbers are growing rapidly over a short span of time due to the technological development especially after the advent of the CMS. The most loved and recommended CMS by the user is WordPress. Due to its overwhelming support, some of the WordPress stats are really interesting. This infographic looks at some unbelievable WordPress stats which are less known to the regular WordPress users.
May 10, 2017 | Health Infographics
Shedding a pound takes time, effort, and real hard work. But don’t forget that each body varies. Just because you eat healthy foods and go to the gym every day, doesn’t mean you’ll lose weight faster than those who go to the gym once a week. There are many factors you need to consider, though. Check this infographic for more details.
May 10, 2017 | Environmental Infographics
Most of us don’t think twice when we throw out our waste. But what actually happens to it once it has hit the bottom of the bin and gets taken away. This infographic shows you what bits of trash actually get recycled, compared to how much could be recycled. Plus how long that process is and basically, how long that can of Coke is going to be lying around for.