What Types of Jobs Are Available in the Culinary Industry?

Jobs in the culinary arts field could introduce you to diverse cultures, an array of ingredients, and menu traditions that span across decades, even centuries. Jobs in the Culinary Arts Industry include those in restaurants, cruises, corporate kitchens, school cafeterias, hospitals, nursing homes, and places that host special events like weddings and graduations are places where culinary arts jobs are located.

Teen Internet Addiction: How Much Internet is Too Much

With the Internet being a channel that teens use everyday from multiple devices, how can we know when it has become an addiction? Teen internet addiction is a serious issue that can lead to mental illness and more addictions. It’s important to recognize when your teen may be struggling with an addiction to the internet, and to know how to best help them detach and unplug from the online world that can negatively affect them psychologically, behaviorally, and socially.

Which State Has the Best Taxes for Small Businesses?

The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council has a ranking system for state tax systems. It incorporates a wide variety of factors that, in the end, give you an idea of how good or bad a state’s tax system is for small businesses. This infographic from Experian Data Quality takes those rankings and maps them out. Besides the SBE’s ranking system, this infographic also maps out personal state income tax rates.

Writing Dynamic Characters: The Book Deal

Three popular characters (Han Solo, Walter White, and Katniss Everdeen) have to land a book deal with a publisher. By seeing how each character deals approaches this goal, you will learn how the stories you tell are influenced by your dynamic protagonists’ desires, flaws, and conflicts. It’s all in an infographic entitled, “Writing Dynamic Characters: The Book Deal.”

10 Signs You Need to Change Tires

All tires get old, worn down and damaged. But how will you know your tires need to be changed? What are the signs? This is very important for car owners to prevent road accidents that may be caused by worn-out tires. To help you, check this infographic presented by Burt Brothers Tire & Service. It talks about signs your tires need replacement.

Pearl Types Guide

Have a look at this pearl type education guide and learn about the many variations and options available on the market, in an easy to read chart.

Spend Money On Experiences, Not Things

Multiple studies have shown that we not only enjoy purchases of experiences more than material things, but that this pleasure starts in the anticipation leading up to the event – way before the actual experience. It also lingers long after the event is over. But why is this the case? Well, one major reason lies in the fact that major experiences become a part of our identity, and we enjoy telling the story (which can be done over and over again in the future).

Withdrawal Symptoms During Drug Detox

This infographic is designed for individuals who are thinking about undergoing addiction treatment for a substance use disorder. One of the first steps in any addiction treatment program is drug detox — the process in which an individual receives physiological rehabilitation for their substance use disorder. Drug or alcohol detox can be a very anxiety-ridden, nerve wracking process, especially if an individual doesn’t know what to expect.