Advantages of a Mobile-Friendly Website

Desktops are not the leading web access device anymore. Because most people are using smartphones such as iPhones and Android in accessing the internet, online business owners must take advantage of the unique opportunities mobile-friendly web design offers to the growing number of visitors on the web. Optimizing your website design to suit mobile users’ screen will greatly impact your business ranking and search engine results.

Tips for Amazon Sellers to Increase Sales

How can you increase sales on Amazon? There is no specific answer to this question as what might work to other Amazon sellers may not work with you. The following infographic from the team at The Prosper Show explores some strategies that you might apply to your business.

How to Find the Best Estate Agent

There are two types of real estate agents in the marketplace today. The first one is the traditional agent which is commonly called high street agents and the online agents. Both of them earn a commission but some people will choose online agents because of the huge...

How to Write Effective Content

How can you survive the tight competition between online businesses? One effective internet marketing strategy is to create high quality and effective content. Write something that will engage and entertain your target audience. Effective content will help achieve business goals by turning site visitors into satisfied customers. In short creating quality content is as important as the website design and aesthetic appearance of your page

Zika Virus: Things You Need to Know

Making quite the impact across the country, the Zika virus is a relatively dangerous virus that has no particular medicine to help cure it. Primarily a mosquito born disease spreading through a species of mosquito called Aedes via their bites, those infected may not even know that they’re infected because most of the time the Zika virus shows very mild to no symptoms at all.

How to Choose an Air Purifier

An air purifier or air cleaner is a unit that eliminates pollutants from the the indoor air. These appliances are generally promoted as being effective to allergy and asthma sufferers, and at minimizing or getting rid of second-hand tobacco smoke. The following infographic looks at how to choose an air purifier.

Guide to Adoption

Being a parent will change your life. If you’re thinking about adoption there are many things to consider and a process you need to go through legally. It can be daunting, but taking time out to assess all your options will benefit you as you contemplate taking the next step. This guide will show you where to begin and where you can go to get further help and information.

From Military to Civilian

The life after military service and participation in war conflicts leave an irremovable mark on the humans. The former militants return to their homes and lose the chances to free existence, and become a huge part of the demo-graphical problem. Along with the problems of unemployment and homelessness, this infographic reveals the opportunities for former military servicemen and ways to prepare yourself for the upcoming civilian career.

All You Need To Know About Home Laser Hair Removal

With the help of this infographic, understand how laser hair removal works and types of devices available for home use, how to pick the right device for your skin tone and hair color, what are the preparations, steps and after care needed while doing laser hair removal at home, what results to expect and how long you need to continue the session, and the pain factor and costs of home laser hair removal devices.

Future and Scope of Cashless Economy in India

Cashless economy seems to be all the rage in India at present. The seventh largest economy in the world has taken to going cashless after the declaration of demonetization measure on November, 2016. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) believes that India will play a key role alongside China in the coming years in contributing to the growth of the global economy.