Guide to Choosing the Perfect Diamond Ring

Heard about the 4 C’s? It’s not a dish or the name of a music group. It’s the 4 C’s you need to check out while buying a diamond viz-carat, color, cut and clarity. Don’t just rock up to the store thinking you will be able to pick one out on the spot. There is a lot you need to know before you buy a diamond, which has been compiled in the following infographic.

Standing Up for Teen Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. Teens, in specific, must deal with friends, dating, school, competitive sports, family conflicts, and other stressful situations. When these get out of hand, they can cause an excessive amount of stress to the point that an individual can’t accomplish their goals, and an anxiety disorder is developed. Recognizing the causes, signs, and symptoms of anxiety in teens can allow solutions and help to be sought out and implemented.

Why Can’t I Get Wet? The Truth About Vaginal Dryness

Menopause and hormonal fluctuations happen to every woman, but the changes these phases cause our bodies are still seemingly difficult to own and talk about. One adjustment that comes as a woman ages is her lessened ability to get wet naturally. We know that natural lubrication is essential to keeping a healthy vagina, so when one day we find ourselves unable to get wet, what is there to do?

Divorce Rates

Not many think of divorce when standing across from a lover, anxious to seal the deal. Unfortunately, the USA has a very high rate of divorce compared to other countries around the world. Provided in this infographic by The Law Office of A. Sam Jubran, P.A. are some stats that are informative and interesting.

Explore Shutterstock’s Global Creative Trends That Will Shape 2017

Countless articles and blogs are written at the beginning of a new year to predict the definitive trends that industry creatives should implement. You’ll see one blog claiming that a neutral color palette is key, while another insists on vivid splashes of color, both equally convincing in their explanation. What do most of these blogs lack? Raw data!

How to Exercise at Home During Winter

Does winter prevent you to go outside and hit the gym? Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you can’t exercise—there are other ways to stay active. Consider indoor exercises, which are cheaper and less hassle. To help you, here’s an infographic that features some exercises you can try at home.

The Super Bowl’s Super Ad Spending

Super Bowl commercials have always been intriguing. We can’t help but wonder how companies pulled off those ideas. How long did they prepare it? How much did they pay for the actors? How much did it cost them? And the most intriguing question: was it worth the expense? This infographic highlights Super Bowl’s super ad spending throughout the years.