ADHD in Children
ADD/ADHD is a condition affecting both children and adults; estimates suggesting approximately 300,000 or more Canadians are diagnosed each year. Both diseases cause disabling symptoms that impede development and impair social function. ADHD is a mental disorder that interferes with the learning process, impedes social and cognitive development, and can be a precursor to a variety of other conditions.
File Collaboration: Linking iPhones to Desktops
Reliable file synchronization software enables us to transfer data from our mobile to desktop and other devices without compatibility issues during cross-platform operations. We need to use steadfast file collaboration tools that provide cloud solutions without...20 Types of Kitchen Knives And Their Uses
The modern day kitchen is a hodge-podge of cooking utensils and ingredients from around the world. Gone are the days of one type of cuisine and today we enjoy a worldly platter that would make our ancestors drool with jealousy. These are the most commonly found kitchen knives. In the following infographic, A Sharp Slice takes a look at 20 types of kitchen knives and their uses.
Playtime With Blind and Visually Impaired Children
Blind children are vulnerable to having their play restricted, but in many ways, they need it more than sighted children. It helps improve their curiosity and independence, as well as contributing to personality development. In this infographic from, learn ways to do playtime with blind and visually impaired children.
Bubble Wrap: A Short History
Learn some interesting facts about bubble wrap rolls, one of the extensively used packaging and shipping materials today. They offer a solid packing solution for most of the objects ranging from home furniture to all consumer goods. Its innovative and convenient form has earned the Bubble wraps the title of ”A Modern-Day Wonder”.
Office Design -The Costs of Doing Too Little
Unhappy workers cost employers losses of $550 billion annually. Can employers reduce these losses if the root of this unhappiness is uncovered? The team at Pots, Planters and More surveyed 1,000 Americans who work in traditional office spaces to see the impact that office design and decor has on productivity and happiness at work. The results are visually displayed in the following infographic.
20 Highly Effective Potty Training Tips
Potty training infuriates even the mellowest mom and most delighted dad – plainly put, it’s sort of crappy. This is where knowing a few potty training tips helps. These might not guarantee a diaper-free existence, but they’re a good start. Yep, urine luck when you try the following highly effective potty training tips from Parenting Passage.
7 Types Of Motivated Sellers To Buy Properties From Now
Winning in real estate is all about making your money when you buy, and helping others. So, if you are buying property it makes sense to search out the motivated sellers. Here are seven types of property owners investors should be looking for now, from Real Estate Worldwide.
A Timeline of the Flint Water Crisis
Flint, Michigan, has been struggling to resolve its water issues for more than two years. The roots of the crisis go back as far as 2011, when the city of Flint was forced to find a cheaper water source as a result of a $25 million deficit in its budget. The Flint River was identified as a possible source for drinking water, but the decision to use the river’s water proved disastrous, and the fallout has been plaguing residents since 2014.