New York Salon and Spa Spending Habits

The team at decided to pose a few questions to the salon and spa owners and managers of New York, compiling the results of the survey into the following infographic. They asked questions such as, “How many times they visited a salon or spa per year?” or “Do they visit more than one salon?” or even questions related to If they enjoy when a stylist initiates conversation and, crucially, how much do they spend per visit?

Top Tips for Healthier Credit

When you don’t earn enough money to pay for your expenses, you may need to borrow a certain sum of money from time to time. Taking a credit or a loan often implies risks and responsibilities. To plan your budget correctly, try to follow the tips Viva Loans provides in the following infographic.

How to Pick the Best Compression Socks for Running

This infographic reveals why you should wear compression running socks and how your body will benefit from them. Find out how beneficial are compression socks for running and what their advantages for your body are. What is more, you will read interesting facts about the compression running socks related to their advantages and how beneficial they are for your body and comfort.

Why You Should Print Your Photos

In a world that’s becoming increasingly digitized, there’s just no way to know what the technology of the future will be. Maybe the smartphones we have today will go the way of the 8-track or the VHS. Perhaps cloud storage will prove to be more vulnerable than we thought. The following infographic explores the importance of photo prints in a digital world.

High Protein Foods For Muscle Building

How protein helps build muscle? Protein is composed of amino acids, which are the building blocks of our muscles as well as our body. Without amino acids, our body cannot build, regenerate, or sustain muscle tissue. So yes, we need protein—we need it every day. Here are some protein-rich foods in an infographic.

17 Ways Exercise Makes You a Happier Person

Health and fitness are often inseparable. While some people can be out of shape, staying fit is often one of the prerequisites of staying healthy. Eating a healthy diet and exercising daily can help you accomplish both tasks. In this infographic, we will see the 17 ways exercising makes you a happier person.

Finding the Best Vacuum for Hardwood Floors

Your hardwood floors are a beautiful and expensive addition to your home. To be at their best they need regular cleaning with the right equipment. As hardwood floors have become more popular, a wide range of vacuums have been released. There are many types, from many brands and finding the best vacuum for hardwood floors in your home can be confusing.

9-Step Winter Eczema Management Plan

Winter can be particularly challenging for people like who struggle with eczema. By making small changes to your eczema treatment plan, winter eczema can be easily managed and you can enjoy the holiday season without any eczema flare-ups to spoil the fun.​ This infographic by provides a simple 9-step plan to help you manage eczema in winter.