8 Reasons To Use SEO For Your Real Estate Business

One of the most difficult industries that one can market online is the real estate market. If your target keywords are things like ‘We Buy Houses’ or ‘Sell My House Fast’ then your competitors maybe taking your leads without you knowing. In this infographic, learn 8 reasons why you need good SEO for your real estate business.

Internet and Social Safety for Children

The Internet is an important part of today’s culture, especially for children and youth, for whom school work, online gaming, and social networking are among the most popular activities. Children and young people face a broad spectrum of risks when they use a computer. Some are threats to their safety or privacy. Still, others may result from children intentionally or unintentionally violating laws such as copyright or defamation.

Defending Your Apartment From Monsters

Catastrophes such as fires, floods or even earthquakes can be problematic for homeowners. But what if your home is attacked by a monster? What if there was a werewolf breaking down your door? How about if a mummy was in your living room? In this infographic, ForRent.com shows how to defend your apartment from the various monsters of classic horror movies.

Trick Or Treat Your Way Into Halloween Sales Like a Pirate

Whether or not trick-or-treating is up your alley, Halloween and all its festivities can’t be ignored. This year 171 million Americans plan to partake in the holiday, which may include anything from pumpkin-carving and costume planning to party hosting and party-crashing. Spending will hit an all-time high at $8.4B, with a $1.5B increase in spending since the previous year.

Halloween 2016 By The Numbers

From the 16.2% of people who plan to put costumes on their pets to the 72% of parents who admit stealing from their kids’ trick-or-treating stash, there’s always something interesting to learn about Halloween. So to ease your fears and help you enjoy a fun, safe Halloween, the team at WalletHub has created an infographic with a collection of the best Halloween factoids they could find,

10 Years of Cell Phone Use

A telephone is necessary, both for safety and connection. But in a short time, our phone habits have morphed from the head tilt of cradling a wall phone handset to the forward slouch of hunching over our smartphones. Here is an infographic about what cell phones have done to our bodies over the past 10 years.

Road Trippers: Drug Driving in the UK

The UK has a severe drug driving problem. As of March 2015 it is illegal to drive in the UK if you are either, unfit to do so because you’re on legal or illegal drugs, or if you have above a specified level of an illegal drug in your blood stream (the drugs don’t need to be effecting your driving). Here is an infographic that looks at “drug driving” in the UK.

The Zika Virus and Pregnancy

This infographic visually discusses some of the dangers of the Zika Virus, where it has been located in the United State, how it is spread and the symptoms associated with it. Also talks about the effects it could have on infants. This infographic also showcases the steps of prevention and the things you can do to keep your house and home mosquito free.