The Big Five Film Studios & Their Acquisitions

Hollywood may bring to mind glamor and excitement, but behind the scenes there are cutthroat business practices going on which involve giant studios absorbing all their competition. Corporate mergers in Hollywood are changing the landscape of the film industry. In this infographic from Wyoming LLC Attorney, we see that five studios have been acquiring smaller rival studios for generations.

The Most (and Least) Connected Cities in the United States

In today’s world it can be difficult to imagine life without an Internet connection, but some households and locations forgo an Internet connection. In some cases, it’s a personal choice, but in others, a rural location might hinder accessibility to the Internet. The team at Ooma sheds some light on the issue with this map of U.S. cities.

Colorado’s Mental Health Crisis By The Numbers

The numbers are staggering: more than a quarter of a million Coloradans report serious thoughts of suicide, and the state ranks near the bottom for its prevalence of mental illness. What’s driving this crisis? And more importantly, what can be done to reverse the trend? This infographic explains some of the contributors to Colorado’s worsening mental health crisis.

Which States Have the Best Sex?

The team at NapLab put together a huge, fascinating study that represented 23.6% of Americans who rated the quality of their sex lives on a scale of 1 to 10. Based on the results, American enjoyment of sex might be in trouble, as the average score was a 4.7, which isn’t a very high one. There’s a huge variance among states with 25 states rating above this number and 25 rating below it.

Which U.S. Cities Report the Most Spam Calls Per Capita?

Are you plagued by spam calls? Maybe your city appears on this map created by the team at Ooma. They calculated which cities receive the highest numbers of spam call complaints and mapped them across the U.S. They adjusted their data per thousand people to create an accurate picture of where the most spam calls occur.

The Original Names of 25 Famous Companies

Brand recognition is at the top of the list of marketer goals, so choosing an iconic company name is one of the most crucial pieces of the puzzle. That’s why this infographic is so surprising. Many of our top brands with the most recognition, had previous names. We can track a companies naming history through this timeline style graphic.

Popular Alternative Payment Methods Across the World

Alternative payment methods are gaining popularity due to the security of their transactions and how speedy and convenient they are. These forms of banking are accessible to people in remote areas and make it easier to do international banking. The team at Paysecure provide us a closer look at these popular banking platforms with the following infographic.

Which Drug Prices Have Increased the Most in the U.S.

The team at NY Requirements shed some light on a hot button issue with an infographic charting the rising prices of prescription drugs. America has the highest prescription drug prices in the world. Some medications have increased more than others, but as you can see from the results of the infographic, the rate of increase is enormous.