How To Secure Funding for Your Startup

Anyone hoping to enter the entrepreneurial arena needs to first calculate how much cash they’ll need on hand, and how to generate more in order to keep the doors open, the bills paid and employees funded. In this infographic, Bplans covers some of the main sources of funding you can secure for your startup business.

eCommerce: Visual Merchandising Tips

40% of people will respond better to visual information than plain text. Give your visitors a great shopping experience through visuals. Here are some tips by MineWhat to make the visual merchandising on your eCommerce store more effective.

Death & Taxes – Are You Financially Ready to Die?

Almost two thirds of UK adults do not have a will, and almost a quarter of Britons have never even thought about writing one! Every year £8 million goes to the government in money and property left behind by those that haven’t left a will. To highlight this issue, R Hyde-Chambers
has created an infographic which highlights some simple facts and tips about preparing financially for death.

Why Actioning Customer Feedback Is So Important

If you’ve ever wondered why your business is not performing at the level you wish it would, who better to ask than your existing customers. Listen to your customers and involve them in the evolution of your business. See how effective a customer feedback campaign can be with this simple infographic.

Capital Funding for Small Businesses

No matter how savvy you are with budgeting and saving money in your business, there might come a time where you find yourself in a crunch. Maybe it’s due to a summer slump in sales, or maybe it was an unexpected expense. No matter what the reason, if you find yourself in need of quick capital for your business, there are services that can help.

Women Inventors That Changed History

Get Savvi Health has created an infographic showcasing some top women inventors who have contributed in making our lives a little bit easier. It features a picture of each woman, what they invented and a small description of the invention and was designed with the purpose of educating people on the importance of the women’s role in society and how they made and still make a difference in everybody’s lives.

Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage: Things To Keep In Mind

If you are planning to conceive soon after a miscarriage, there are many facts related to pregnancy that you must keep in mind. Here Mom Junction has put together a few things that can help to answer your questions on pregnancy after miscarriage. These will help you to evaluate your readiness to conceive again.

Booming Cities in Texas

Houston, Austin, Odessa, and Dallas have been some of the fastest growing cities in Texas. From low unemployment rates to high population growth, these cities embodies the new found popularity that Texas has been receiving. Big businesses such as Toyota and State Farm are moving their headquarters to Texas.