Going Green in the MENA Workplace

In this infographic, Bayt.com explores the extent to which companies and professionals in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region are aware of environmental issues affecting their lives and whether they’re adopting green practices.

The World’s Most Expensive Engagement Rings EVER

From the breathtaking blue sapphire engagement ring once worn by Diana, Princess of Wales and now by Kate, Duchess of Cambridge to Elizabeth Taylors legendary massive 33-carat type 11a diamond, we hope you enjoy The Goodale Miller Team’s latest list of the world’s most expensive engagement rings EVER!

The Inner Workings of a French Drain

The Portland landscaping experts at Landscape East & West have put together a helpful and informative infographic that examines the inner workings of French drains and how they can benefit those who have standing water in their yards – or even just a soggy lawn.

ROI of an MBA

Never underestimate the value of an MBA. Three out of four MBA graduates surveyed stated they could not have landed their current gig without this advanced degree. Full-time, two-year MBA graduates earn a median base salary of $90,000 per year (plus an average $10,000 bonus).

The World’s Most Luxurious Meals

From a $1,000 Lobster Frittata for breakfast to a $25,000 chocolate ice cream for dessert, The Goodale Miller Team covers the world’s most expensive foods from the breakfast table to the dinner plate. Work up a hunger and break out the credit card, because this is one luxurious feast for the senses and wallet.

12 of the Most Misused English Words

With a countless number of words in the English language, it’s not hard or uncommon for us to mix some of them up. In fact, definitions of words have been mixed up and entirely new words have been made up as a result. Here is an infographic from ListMonde.com that looks at the twelve most misused English words.

How To Light Up The Ultimate Summer Luau

Did you know that although Luau’s are well known for their lively music and dancing, the true meaning for the word Luau is Feast? While “feast” typically refers to an abundance of food, perfect planning and decor can transform any Luau into a feast for the eyes! Bright tropical hues accent everything from food to dancers and can even be used in lighting to create a summer paradise no matter where your party takes place.

The Savvy Traveler

Travel is of course a luxury and a wonderful experience but certain aspects can cause people stress. This infographic aims to alleviate some of those stresses to ensure a great holiday experience for all. You will learn for example, where best to sit on a plane if you need more legroom.