Tips To Prevent Pains & Cramps During Pregnancy

Cramping is an involuntary temporary strong muscle contraction that causes severe pain. These may last for a few seconds to minutes. Are cramps normal during pregnancy? Yes, however getting severe cramps could be a cause of some concern. Here are effective tips to prevent pains and cramps during pregnancy.

What Are The Chances? Car Accident Statistics

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all forecast the safest times to drive on the road and what situations to look out for? Well, we can use the past to better understand the risks today. The folks at Titan Insurance have looked into 2013 car insurance claims statistics in order to uncover insights on the safety of the roadways. They found some interesting correlations, which you can read below.

A Step by Step Guide to University Clearing

After the stress of completing your A Levels, the last thing most students want to do is to go through Clearing. Although it sounds chaotic and stressful, with the right preparation and knowledge, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. Here is an infographic on going through university clearing.

12 World Records You Can Break In Your Lunch Hour

World records are normally associated with feats of achievement that require hours of dedicated training. However, Chair Office has cherry picked 12 world records that won’t require much time to attempt, and can also be seen as a great team building exercise for businesses.

Steal or No Steal?

Burglary and theft of our treasured possessions is something that none of us like to think about. However last year in England and Wales there were 632,000 household burglaries. Statistics show that one in five homes lack coverage for their household contents, meaning they would have to foot the bill themselves should the unthinkable happen.

Storage Units Go Hollywood

Storage facilities in the real world are fairly uneventful places where everyday individuals store their belongings – but some lucky storage units make it to Hollywood. Check out this infographic of storage units making it big.

Life Insurance For Seniors

Life insurance for seniors, particularly those over 80 have two choices when it comes to life insurance. While both can work, one is substantially less expensive for the right applicant. One of these is final expense life insurance is also known as burial coverage.

How to Explain Big Data to Your Grandmother

Albert Einstein once said “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” With this in mind, Solink challenged themselves to explain the term ‘Big Data’ in a way that everyone, including their grandmothers, can understand.