The Scary Truth About the Dirtiest Surfaces You Touch Every Day

Many of the items you touch on a daily basis contain thousands of germs. For example, a dollar bill contains 135,000 types of bacteria and any of the light switches in your home contain 217 types of bacteria per square inch. What is interesting is that there are some items we would think are worse than others, but perception versus reality varies widely.

Loneliness in the UK

Stannah Stairlifts reveal London’s pensioners are the loneliest in Britain. The Stannah Silver Census annually surveys 1,000 adults to shed insight into an oft-overlooked segment of British society. The nationwide survey of those aged 65 and over found that 75% of pensioners surveyed revealed they experience feelings of loneliness – despite living within one hour of a relative.

Direct Mail: This Time It’s Personal

‘Dear Sir/Madam’ just won’t cut it anymore. Neither will ‘Dear Manager’, ‘Dear Head of Maintenance’, or ‘Dear Darling’ (well, that one might, but not in a direct mail campaign). To get ahead you need to use the right name, and use it well. Make it personal. Find out more in this infographic.

Tips for Practical Ergonomics In Your Workplace

Ergonomics is the study of work, work environment and work tools. Take an in-depth look at the work you have to do, your environment and the things you need in order to do it well, then set them up to enhance your performance. This infographic will tell you how to improve the quality of your work day.

Top 10 Food Ideas For Your 7 Months Baby

Is your baby getting wholesome food? Is he still hungry even after a feed? Seven-month-old babies require a solid feed that fills their stomach. This is the time when the baby starts developing his own personality. It is also a transitional age where they have some mobility, and hence a good diet is very important at this milestone.

Sample Diet Chart For Pregnant Women

A healthy diet is one of the most crucial things you can do to ensure a healthy baby. Instead of having carbohydrates alone, the folks at Mom Junction have planned a healthy diet for your pregnancy, giving you wide varieties of choices.

Rise of the Forex Empire

Have you always wanted to learn about the art of the Foreign Exchange Market? The Forex Market – as it’s most commonly known – can be defined as the process in changing one country’s currency and trading this with another country’s currency for reasons which include travel, business and commerce.