Driving – What’s the Norm Worldwide

Driving is a major part of our day to day lives. We spend time behind the wheel getting to work, going to college or school and generally getting from one place to another. It allows us freedom to move to get to new places. Rules of the road vary worldwide. In some countries they drive on the left hand side and others on the right. There are some historical reasons for this.

A Census of Our Lost Lifetimes

It is a sad reality that substance abuse can cut lives short. To better visualize just how much potential has been lost, 12 Keys Rehab compared the years lost to substance abuse to census data to see how those lifetimes could have played out if things were different.

What Does 200 Calories Look Like?

This infographic compares different food types and drinks of 200 calories. For example, for 200 calories you can expect to get 588 grams broccoli or 51 grams of gummy bears. There is obviously a huge difference there in terms of quantity. Of course, this says something about the quality of the food too. Having knowledge like this will most definitely make you look at certain foods in a different way.

15 Ways To Beat Jet Lag

The symptoms of jet lag affect us in different ways and unfortunately, the older you get, the more susceptible you become. But no need to worry, because with a little bit of forward thinking, you can beat jet lag and knock it on the head before it knocks you for six. There are ways more effective than you know to beat jet lag which is detailed in this infographic.

The Growth of Women-Owned UK Businesses

Did you know that 18% of UK SMEs are owned by women? This “Women Mean Business” infographic focuses on the rise of women business owners in general and by region in the UK. Many female entrepreneurs turn to business loans for women to finance their growing UK SMEs.

Cork Material and Production

Cork is used in many industries and across a wide range of products – from cork gaskets to keeping a bottle of wine air tight, with over 300,000 tons of cork being produced annually. Learn more about cork in this infographic.

The Value of Video Marketing For Lawyers

If you are looking to market your law firm in the very best way possible, you might consider video marketing. Lawyers who have a video on their profile page increase consumers emails by 127% and click through rates to their web sites by 138%. Still need convincing? Check out the following infographic from for some great reasons to conduct video marketing.