Connectedness & Health: The Science of Social Connection

We all think we know how to take good are of ourselves: eat your veggies, work out and try try to get enough sleep. But how many of us know that social connection is just as critical? In this infographic, learn the science on how social connection improves physical health and mental and emotional well-being.

Online Education vs Traditional Education

It’s not surprising that more and more schools are offering degrees earned entirely online, or that more and more university students are enrolling in web-based courses. Considering the upward trend of online schooling, will physical colleges ever be rendered obsolete? Explore this in the following infographic.

The Statistical Argument For Customer Advocacy

Customer advocacy is a specialized form of customer service where companies focus on what is best for their customers. In recent years especially, more and more businesses have started to recognize the importance of customer advocacy and have begun implementing strategies that focus more on the customer. According to a recent survey, a word-of-mouth recommendation is the primary factor behind 20-50% of all purchasing decisions.

How to Get That Cheap Flight

Searching for flights can be a frustrating, but incredibly rewarding experience. Being able to find the best flights has become an essential part of holiday planning. This infographic can make you grateful for the airfare deals that you can only get online.

The Future of the Credit Card

If you have a credit card, using it is probably just a normal part of your everyday life. But how much do you really know about that little strip of plastic in your wallet? Ever heard of a Luhn algorithm? Any idea why that hologram is there? Or the real need for the CSV number?

The Burgeoning Bakken

North Dakota may be known as the Peace Garden state, however, it’s quickly becoming known as the Oil state – all because of the Bakken. UG Center has created an infographic entitled “The Burgeoning Bakken”, guiding you though one of the largest oil deposits in our nation, and its effects on the land and people around it.

The Straight Poop: Adventures in Toilet Training

Toilet training, also termed “Potty training” is a source of contention for many parents. Whether it’s potty training boot camp, cloth diapers, or regular disposables-everyone has different views of what’s best. However, history shows us that our kids are potty training at a later age than ever. Early Childhood Education Degrees has created an infographic explaining some of the newest trends in potty training, and gives tips on early infant communication.

Get Gorgeous Now: Six Amazing Beauty Hacks

It’s no surprise that beauty has fast grown into a multi-billion-dollar industry over the decades. As most women know, the range of hair products, skin potions, and cosmetics available at any drugstore or mall is enormous. In this infographic, the folks at Ogle School reveal 6 amazing beauty hacks.