Apr 8, 2014 | Food & Drink Infographics
The British certainly do love a cup of tea! So much so, in fact, that they consume over 165 million cups every day. Emma Bridgewater, the much loved and respected British homeware designer, best known for her iconic teapots and mugs, has put together this infographic all about the world’s second most popular beverage, tea.
Apr 7, 2014 | Health Infographics
In this infographic, Harley Street Hair Clinic explains the process of Follicular Transfer, a kind of hair transplant that is currently the most promising treatment option available to men affected by Male Pattern Baldness.
Apr 7, 2014 | Finance & Money Infographics
The folks at InvestingTips360 have created this infographic based on data from the 2014 Forbes Billionaire List. Check out the facts, figures, winners, and losers from the past year.
Apr 4, 2014 | Pets & Animals Infographics
Many people struggle to wrap their heads around how much a new pet would cost them. This infographic helps solve that riddle by using pet insurance industry data and trends.
Apr 4, 2014 | Health Infographics
The road to drug discovery is a long and expensive undertaking. To demonstrate the mega-investments necessary to develop a new drug (or biologic, biopharmaceutical, therapeutic, etc), this infographic explains each step in the process while giving the viewer a sense of the staggering amounts of time and money spent along the way.
Apr 4, 2014 | Home & Garden Infographics
The average American home is approximately 2,100 square feet in size. If this seems like a lot of space to you, think again. The number is nothing compared to the amount of space that exists in many celebrity homes in the U.S. today. In the following infographic, take an inside look at some of the most ridiculous celebrity homes that can be found across the country.
Apr 3, 2014 | Finance & Money Infographics
For many small businesses suffering from cash flow problems, getting access to finance is like a race against time. If they aren’t able to get access to cash, it might mean they are downing their shutters. To make sure this doesn’t happen, it’s advisable that businesses not choose traditional financing avenues that are often long winded, time consuming and complex. Instead choosing non-traditional forms of financing make better sense, and one such option is ‘accounts receivable factoring’.
Apr 3, 2014 | Health Infographics
Find out what the UK’s most popular procedures are, what they are spending and how male attitudes are changing all in this infographic on cosmetic surgery statistics.
Apr 3, 2014 | Home & Garden Infographics
Unlike the real lottery, hitting the rental property jackpot requires experience, knowledge, and skill. You need to know exactly what to look for and where to look for it. Without both of these factors you can easily find yourself buying a rental property sinkhole.
Apr 3, 2014 | Health Infographics
This infographic entitled “Ways to Natural health and Healing” is built on the big idea of how can people use natural tips and tricks to for maintaining their health. It seeks to emphasize the importance of home-made natural medicines.