Feb 19, 2014 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Here is a breakdown of the hottest songs in hip-hop clubs across the country, city to city. This list was compiled by polling the influential DJs in these markets, including Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York, Chicago, D.C., San Francisco, Dallas, and Houston.
Feb 19, 2014 | Career Infographics
Here Accounting-Degree.org provides us a brief history of retirement in the U.S including state and local government pensions and social security. The infographic looks at countries with strongest pension programs (based on 2013 pensions, both public and private) with the U.S. ranking #11. Can we learn anything from Australia?
Feb 18, 2014 | Travel Infographics
You live only once, so why not live it up?. One way to do that is to travel to the extreme. Here’s an infographic from the folks at Cheapflights for your guide.
Feb 18, 2014 | Finance & Money Infographics
For many people, the concept of death and the consequences for those we leave behind is scary. While dwelling on this subject can be unpleasant, it’s important to know that your family is going to be taken care of when you die. Do you know where your money is going? To get a better idea of what happens to our assets when we pass on, here is a guide.
Feb 18, 2014 | Lifestyle Infographics
It’s really hard to define a relationship – but what does the average couple think a ‘serious’ relationship is? Monarch Airlines decided to discover the definitive signs that show that you’re in it for the long-haul – according to 2,000 coupled-up Brits. So, are you and your partner moving forwards, or are you stuck in a rut?
Feb 18, 2014 | Health Infographics
It is important to take care of your wounds in order to prevent infection and scarring. Additionally, proper wound care can help your wounds to heal faster. Make sure to clean, disinfect, and protect your wounds to ensure proper care. SaveRiteMedical.com looks at the importance of proper wound care in this infographic.
Feb 17, 2014 | Food & Drink Infographics
When it comes to cheese some people know exactly what they want, and others haven’t the slightest clue of where to begin. There are countless varieties that appeal to a variety of tastes, and personalities for that matter. To help maximize your cheese enjoyment, FoodyDirect has put together the pairing chart.
Feb 17, 2014 | Food & Drink Infographics
Kitchen Aid was originally introduced in the 1930’s, you can find their famous mixers in the majority of kitchens throughout the United States. These iconic appliances have withstood the test of time, and have rolled out with over fifteen different attachments to help expand the home cook’s horizon when it comes to using their Kitchen Aid.
Feb 17, 2014 | Health Infographics
Whether you’re familiar with the terms and opinions around home birth, or whether you’ve never heard of it before today, home birth is on the rise around the nation. Nursing School Hub has created an infographic detailing the facts and figures behind homebirth, and why more women are beginning to birth at home since the advent of hospitals.
Feb 17, 2014 | Lifestyle Infographics
Before trudging to the kitchen to grab your daily cup of coffee, consider starting your day by integrating some quick and easy flow yoga moves, also known as Vinyasa. Vinyasa is a type of yoga that works with your breathing, allowing stretches to work with your body’s natural inhaling/exhaling rhythms.