Feb 4, 2014 | Business Infographics
Low employee engagement is becoming a problem and is not only causing unproductive workplaces, but causing a lot of stress for both employees and management. In this infographic, Officevibe looks at 10 shocking statistics about employee engagement.
Feb 3, 2014 | Lifestyle Infographics
Marriage is sadly not always for life. When a marriage breaks down, for whatever reason and if divorce mediation fails sometimes a financial settlement is the only option. Hollywood stars, famous sports players and even billionaires must too deal with the strain of divorce and often are involved in huge financial settlements.
Feb 3, 2014 | Health Infographics
Following the success of last year’s campaign, this year the 4th of February marks ‘World Cancer Day 2014.’ It presents an opportunity to talk about cancer and help to dispel common rumors and misconceptions associated with the disease. Asons Solicitors are proud to promote the initiative, spreading the word through the following infographic.
Feb 3, 2014 | Business Infographics
The cost of stress affects several bodily functions and when we’re stressed, our brain gets washed with powerful hormones that are meant to help us in emergencies. So when we’re chronically stressed, these hormones can damage and kill brain cells. Needless to say, stress can really impede our work productivity and make us much more ineffective at our work. In fact, job stress costs U.S. companies $300 billion from turnover, absenteeism and loss of productivity.
Feb 3, 2014 | Home & Garden Infographics
The first thing that pest control experts will tell you is that spiders are largely harmless. There are two medically significant species in the Pacific Northwest (the Black Widow and the Hobo Spider), but those species are unlikely to attack unless provoked. Still, spiders make it to the top of peoples’ lists of pests to get rid of.
Jan 31, 2014 | Lifestyle Infographics
It’s very difficult to date the invention of the bra. Does the mastodeton–the chest-binding worn by ancient Greek women while they were exercising–count as a bra? Maybe, maybe not. It depends on who you ask. Most will agree the evolution of modern shapewear got going in the 19th century. However before the Victorian masterminds who applied their brainpower to this engineering challenge came up with the bra, there were a few false starts.
Jan 31, 2014 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
Tired of yearly getting the stink eye when trying to watch the games? Here’s what you need so your wife, girlfriend, or significant other gets hooked! SBO brings you the hottest NFL players.
Jan 31, 2014 | Law and Legal Infographics
After years of prohibition, residents of Colorado and Washington recently voted to legalize marijuana for recreational use. With this, more and more people are realizing the socioeconomic benefits of both decriminalizing and legalizing marijuana, leading to economic growth and an increase in tax revenue that eventually will be used to supplement our educational system.
Jan 31, 2014 | Offbeat Infographics
Is your home one of the over 2.2 million homes that thieves will burglarize this year? That is how many homes are burglarized annually in the United States, according to the FBI. This infographic will show you how to take precautions to protect yourself, your valuable and most importantly, your family.
Jan 31, 2014 | Business Infographics
The Insurance Bureau of Canada recently released their findings on the impact the big weather storms of 2013 had on insurance and oh boy, it was a doozy. Turns out 2013 was a record-breaking year as companies paid out 3.2 billion dollars to policyholders. That’s almost a 1.2 billion dollar increase from the previous high.