Line of Sight: How Times Have Changed

Whether you wear them for reading, or have to wear them full time, glasses are an invention many of us can’t do without. VSP Blog has created an interesting infographic detailing the history behind the lenses in your classes, along with a clear look into the future.

Footloose and Car Free

While many American adults enjoy the perk of owning a car, as they pull out of their garage, they overlook one mode of transportation that may very well serve as not only an alternative mode of transportation, but also a key to a healthy life. Quicken Loans has created an infographic that illustrates how adding two-wheeled transport to your repertoire can benefit not only you, but the environment and your wallet.

Keepin’ it Fresh: Refrigerator Revamp Guide

Americans waste a lot of food, and Part Select has created an infographic entitled “Keepin’ it Fresh”, detailing how food waste is impacting our environment, and how you can do your part to reduce the amount of food you throw out. For example, 40 percent of our food goes uneaten, costing $165 billion per year. If we were able to reduce losses by just 15%, we would save enough to feed 25 million Americans.

Starting Online Engagement

In January, most marketers find themselves making plans for the year ahead. What aims should we be pursuing in 2014? GX Software did research and concluded the following: 2014 will be the year of online engagement. Every marketer will benefit from a sound online engagement strategy. The following infographic shares 6 tips on how to unfold an online engagement strategy.

Uniform Advantage Color Psychology Guide for Nursing Uniforms

How do your patients view you when you wear a particular color scrub uniform? Approachable, caring, friendly or standoffish and inattentive? When you enter their room with a colorful scrub or one with prints, you see and feel the effects of the scrub colors on you and your immediate environment. It can lift their spirits and they are more open and comfortable with you versus dark colors that are cold and cause them to change their attitudes toward you negatively.

All You Need to Know About Dermatillomania

Dermatillomania is a compulsive, often detrimental habit that is characterized by the repeated urge to pick at one’s own skin — often to the extent of tissue damage and scarring. In terms of prevalence, an estimated 1.4 to 5.4 percent of the general population is afflicted with this condition, with women accounting for the majority (at 86 percent).