Uniform Advantage Color Psychology Guide for Nursing Uniforms

How do your patients view you when you wear a particular color scrub uniform? Approachable, caring, friendly or standoffish and inattentive? When you enter their room with a colorful scrub or one with prints, you see and feel the effects of the scrub colors on you and your immediate environment. It can lift their spirits and they are more open and comfortable with you versus dark colors that are cold and cause them to change their attitudes toward you negatively.

All You Need to Know About Dermatillomania

Dermatillomania is a compulsive, often detrimental habit that is characterized by the repeated urge to pick at one’s own skin — often to the extent of tissue damage and scarring. In terms of prevalence, an estimated 1.4 to 5.4 percent of the general population is afflicted with this condition, with women accounting for the majority (at 86 percent).

The Relationships Between Elite Academics and Power

Gadgets, services, vacations are available to all. But in reality, there’s a larger gap between the classes: Wealthy vs. non-wealthy, where there exists greater physical separation, very different school choices, greater difference in health and lifespan, far less social mobility, except for hyper achievers.

How To Save Energy On Lighting

It is very important to choose the right lighting for your house if you want to cut on your cost as well as save energy by choosing energy saving lighting fixtures. Beautiful Things Lighting takes a closer look at how to save energy on lighting in this infographic.

The Science of Vacuum Oven Drying

Vacuum oven drying can be used for everything from BHO extraction to medical devices, products that are considered temperature-sensitive. This infographic from Cascade Technical Sciences showcases the science behind how vacuum oven drying works and all of the great benefits gained by using this technique.

Plan Your Bachelorette in Nicaragua

This infographic titled “Plan your Bachelorette in Nicaragua” has been created with the aim of persuading would-be brides to organize their bachelorette party in Nicaragua. Here you will find information that will help in planning the process.