Jan 20, 2014 | Environmental Infographics
Japan consumes 4.7M barrels of oil per day. China consumes 10.2M barrels per day. The United States, consuming roughly 18.5M barrels per day, dwarfs it’s closest competitors by a margin of over 3M barrels of oil per day. To state the obvious: As the biggest consumers of fossil fuels worldwide, Americans need to take a look at their patterns of consumption, and see where they can cut down.
Jan 20, 2014 | Marketing Infographics
January is always about marketing planning, dazed eyes and dehydration. Antavo has a cure for this in the form of an info-graphic. Be inspired by the 12 ideas you can use for your Facebook page.
Jan 20, 2014 | Marketing Infographics
Marketing experts are constantly on the search for engaging, attention-grabbing tweets. However, stuffing a full marketing message into 140 characters or less can be a huge challenge-especially when you have a lot to say! Pardot has created an infographic entitled “Best Practices for Shorter Tweets” giving you tips to making the most out of those short but sweet tweets.
Jan 20, 2014 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
Ever wonder who has the hottest wife in the NFL? Here is a list of the Hottest NFL Wives / WAGS for 2014 put together by the folks at SportsBettingOnline.
Jan 20, 2014 | Career Infographics
You want to work your dream job. You can’t do that, unless you learn how to be an intern. This infographic is a guide on how you can do that.
Jan 17, 2014 | Health Infographics
Mitral Regurgitation is a common heart valve disorder in which the mitral valve does not close properly. As a result, blood traveling through the human heart “leaks” backward from the left ventricle into the left atrium. Learn more about Mitral Regurgitation in this infographic.
Jan 17, 2014 | Environmental Infographics
Did you know that charities can arrange to quickly and conveniently dispose of your gas guzzler? Proceeds are donated to your favorite charity. There is a growing demand for steel as manufacturers have become more efficient at using recycled materials in new cars. Learn more in this infographic.
Jan 17, 2014 | Education Infographics
Google’s Education initiatives have made strides in improving education for students across the globe. In this infographic, learn about Google programs that can benefit you.
Jan 16, 2014 | Environmental Infographics
Bamboo, which is actually a type of grass, has a wide array of benefits that can be used to make everything from building materials to high quality bamboo clothing. Therefore it is no surprise that it is quickly becoming the most popular material in the green retail market. Not only it is one of the most sustainable and renewable materials on the planet but it is also one of the most versatile materials in the world.
Jan 16, 2014 | Lifestyle Infographics
Check out this fun infographic from Marketo to learn all about the evolution of the selfie, then delve deeper into today’s selfie-obsessed world with some of the hottest, most sought-after selfie formats.