The Deficit: A Tale of Two Houses

Although there have been excessive funding cutbacks in the United States, there somehow continues to be a growing national debt. The following infographic from looks at this issue in more detail.

Abolishing the DHS

Since 9/11 there have been major efforts to advance domestic US protection that have been very costly to the American people. This infographic looks at this issue and includes a plea to abolish the costly DHS.

Lung Cancer: History and Hope

Lung cancer was not identified as a disease until mid1700. But it’s been around since the dawn of man. Now, scientists are out to find a cure…or more effective treatments. This infographic looks at the history of lung cancer and the hope for a cure.

Puppy Treats: Holiday Gifts For Your Companion

It’s time to gear up for the holiday season, and, for dog owners, that means showering our companions with toys and treats. Along with the excitement comes the stress of choosing the right present for your best friend. To save you some stress and to guarantee your pup the best holiday season possible, The Dog Training Secret has put together this guide to puppy present shopping.