Hungry Planet

This infographic by looks at consumption around the Globe, including a look at per capita consumption, waste production, calories, and energy. [Click here for full size version]

50 Insane Driving Laws From Around The World

Since the invention of the car in 1886, authorities around the world have devised a variety of rules and regulations for motorists. Whether you follow the Highway Code or le code de la route, there will be a comprehensive set of laws to follow, designed to protect both drivers and pedestrians from the dangers of the road. However, some driving laws are truly baffling.

The Transformation of Black Friday

In 2013, about 141 million consumers hit the shops for deals over Thanksgiving weekend, with more of an emphasis on Thanksgiving Day shopping. What does this mean for Black Friday? This infographic delves into how Black Friday has transformed from one day to an extended weekend event.

The Efficiency of Hooking Up Via an App

How times have changed. Just a few short years ago, people were hesitant to admit that they’d met their mates online. Fast-forward to 2013, and now they’re boasting about finding love on their cell phones. This infographic looks at the efficiency of hooking up via mobile apps.

It’s the Thought That Counts

If you’re thinking the holidays have to cost you a packet, think again. Budget-friendly presents that come from the heart can be just as meaningful as the expensive ones — if not more so. Check out this infographic for a few gift ideas, and save your pocketbook the strain.

Employee Theft: An Inside Job

Whether it’s a single ream of paper, or stealing identities, theft at the workplace is an increasingly worrisome situation for business owners. Here is an infographic entitled “Employee Theft: An Inside Job” detailing just how prevalent employee theft is, along with outlining a few of the biggest employee thefts in history.