2023 Women’s World Cup Flags

Here is an infographic produced by UK Feather Flags that features all of the country flags from the 2023 Women’s world cup. The flags are displayed in the different groups of the tournament and there is also a fascinating fact for one of the flags in each of the groups.

Women’s World Cup Stats and Records

The FIFA Women’s Soccer World Cup’s evolution is a certain sign that women’s soccer is catching up! More and more people watch, more sponsors back the event, and more teams are involved. Here is a statistical report of the Women’s World Cup since 1991.

38 Imaginary Friends From Fiction and Their Life Advice

Did you have an imaginary friend (or a whole band of merry imaginary companions) growing up? According to decades of research, the majority of people have had an imaginary friend at some point in their childhood. To showcase the wonderful range of forms that imaginary friends can take, the AAA State of Play team have put together a collection of iconic imaginary friends from fiction.

The Most Expensive and Least Expensive Places for Childcare

Childcare costs in the United States are widely known to be exorbitant. A January 2023 report from the U.S. Department of Labor revealed that the prices have reached an unsustainable level for families. The team at AAAStateofPlay has conducted a comprehensive analysis of childcare costs to identify the regions where childcare expenses are most steep.

How to Choose an Engagement Ring

Here is an infographic of useful tips to choose an engagement ring which features a checklist of all the important questions a fiancé has to answer. These 11 steps are detailed to help any man choose the right design, gold color, and stone for his future wife.

Where in the U.S. Are People Most Likely to Have Discolored Teeth?

A variety of drinks, foods, and habits can lead to stained teeth over time. The main culprits that cause tooth discoloration are drinks like coffee, tea, and red wine; smoking cigarettes can also lead to teeth turning brown. The research team at Imagix Dental created a Discolored Teeth Index that ranks the 50 states and major U.S. cities on the likelihood of the people there having discolored teeth.

What is Juneteenth? Everything You Need to Know

Juneteenth, derived from “June Nineteenth,” is an annual observance in the United States that holds historical significance. This informative infographic provides a comprehensive overview of Juneteenth, delving into its rich history, exploring the symbols associated with the celebration, and offering insights on how to commemorate it.

Where in the U.S. Has the Highest Childhood Obesity Rates?

Child obesity in the United States is a serious problem that has been escalating over the years. In fact, it has been called “one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century” by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. That’s why the team at Playground Equipment created this infographic examining child obesity rates by state.