It’s the Thought That Counts

If you’re thinking the holidays have to cost you a packet, think again. Budget-friendly presents that come from the heart can be just as meaningful as the expensive ones — if not more so. Check out this infographic for a few gift ideas, and save your pocketbook the strain.

Employee Theft: An Inside Job

Whether it’s a single ream of paper, or stealing identities, theft at the workplace is an increasingly worrisome situation for business owners. Here is an infographic entitled “Employee Theft: An Inside Job” detailing just how prevalent employee theft is, along with outlining a few of the biggest employee thefts in history.

Saving Your Site From Cart Abandonment

This infographic focuses on shopping cart abandonment and how to gain back the $1.7 trillion left in carts each year. With online holiday sales at an all-time high, it is vitally important to make sure that cart abandonment doesn’t hinder your ability to sell.

The Joys of Seasonal Business

Seasonality in business can be a concerning issue for many, with increasing numbers of ‘seasonal’ businesses putting necessary measures in place to avoid disruption from supply and demand fluctuation. In this infographic, take a look at the scale of the seasonality problem, how it is impacting SMEs in particular, and how invoice finance can offer an invaluable short-term cashflow lifeline.