Optimism Reigns in Retail

The latest industry research published by Retail Systems Research (RSR) on behalf of SPS Commerce clearly shows the retail industry is bullish about its future. Retailers, vendors and logistics firms all report growing optimism and budgets for 2014.

How to Move Out of Your Mother’s Basement

It has been reported that a whopping 44 percent of unemployed adults between the ages of 18 and 34 still live at home with parents. Perhaps even more surprising is the fact that 25 percent of employed adults in the same age group also still live at home. Homeownership in the U.S. is at an all-time low—right around 65 percent.That’s the lowest level since 1995.

Famous Historical Predictions

This infographic from psychicfuture.com involves a variety of different psychic predictions from throughout our recent history, spanning back to Nosatradamus in 1555, all the way to Paul the Octopus in 2010.

Ketosis, Ketones, and How It All Works

Ketosis is a process that the body does on an everyday basis, regardless of the number of carbs you eat. In this infographic by Ruled Me, get a brief overview of how the ketogenic diet works in respect to your body.

Londoner’s Guide To London

There’s history in every corner of London. This is not only one of the most visited cities in the world, it’s also one of the more mysterious. London Is the Reason presents the following infographic entitled, “Londoner’s Guide To London.”

Rise of The Cooking Empire

According to a 2010 poll, 8 in 10 U.S. adults watch cooking shows. 57% of those who watch cooking shows say they have purchased food as a direct result of something they’ve seen on a cooking show. The popularity of cooking shows in America goes all the way back to the creation and introduction of the Betty Crocker fictional mascot in 1924. Since then, the cooking show industry has evolved greatly to meet the ever-growing demands of consumers.