How Women Improve the Global Economy

There’s compelling evidence that women contribute to global prosperity. Explore successes, challenges and possibilities as women “Lean In” to the global economy. Although women add economic value to technology and entrepreneurship and lead some of the world’s largest companies, challenges remain. What can be done?

Emirates Dubai Rugby 7s

Fast paced and thrilling, the Emirates Dubai Rugby 7s has a party atmosphere that rivals volleyball at the Olympics. With this blend of intense atmosphere and incredible location in Dubai, the Rugby 7s are not to be missed! Not sure what it’s all about? Take a look!

Storage Tetris

According to estimates, there are over 52,500 storage facilities in the U.S. In 2012, ten percent of U.S. households owned a storage unit. There are a number of potential uses for self-storage units. College students use them during the summers in between classes, real estate agents use them to store home staging furniture, business owners use them to declutter offices, and families use them to store away seasonal decorations.

Anatomy of a Turducken

What do you get when you cross a chicken with a duck with a turkey? A “Turducken” of course! Turducken is a dish consisting of a chicken stuffed into a duck, stuffed into a turkey with stuffing or dressing separating the layers. It is a form of what is called “engastration” which is a recipe method where one animal is stuffed inside another.

Talking Turkey: Thanksgiving Facts & Figures

Thanksgiving is a tradition that dates back to before the formation of the United States however most people know less about its origins than they think. For example, did you know that, contrary to popular belief, the first Thanksgiving on our shores was celebrated with Indians but not with Pilgrims and took place in what is now West Texas not in Plymouth, Massachusetts? In this infographic, you’ll find a collection of useful and interesting facts and figures about Thanksgiving.

The History of Personal Injury Law

The history of personal injury law is not a straight path by any stretch. Most personal injury historians would argue that there is no specific start to when personal injury law began, but legal historians do agree that legal systems have existed in some form since ancient history but usually as a more general common form of law.

House Cleaning By the Numbers

Slightly more than half of Americans prefer to clean on a weekly basis, with women putting more emphasis on the importance of a clean home than men. Now looking at house cleaning services, there are nearly 900,000 maids currently employed in the United States. The following infographic sheds some light on house cleaning and maid services statistics in the U.S. and abroad.

In Praise of Garage Sales

Every weekend, thousands of families sell their extra things right in their front yard. Whether you call it a moving sale, rummage sale, or yard sale-garage sales are a $2 billion a year business. Cheapest Colleges has created an infographic detailing the history of garage sales, and how to make the most out of yours.