Wine Pairing: Looking for the Perfect Wine Match

There’s something comforting about a good bottle of wine. It always seems to be the go-to option for a girl’s night in with friends or a romantic dinner for two. Whatever the case may be, knowing how to pick the right wine to complement your meal can make all the difference. Why? Because when you pair the right wine with the right foods, you’re doing much more than merely enhancing the taste; you’re transforming your entire dining experience

Student Debt – What You Should Know and What You Can Do About It

Many college and university students are always looking for ways to save money. A big reason why students seem to be so frugal, may likely be due to the weight of dealing with student debt. Student debt is not fun, but there are many ways to be smart about it. This infographic explains some facts about student debt in the US and Canada, and also provides some helpful suggestions to be proactive in managing your finances.

Entry-Level Job Searching 101

Today, most career fields aren’t exactly booming, and few have an abundance of entry-level positions. This often means going head-to-head with several talented candidates when a position opens up. If you want to catch eye of an employer during your entry-level job search, you’ve got to have a little something extra to help you stand out from the crowd.

The All-Powerful Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is the largest player in the world’s largest economy. It’s a behemoth more powerful than Congress that affects us all. And it’s on a runaway train – they could issue money to bail out banks without anyone realizing it. Read more on the dangers of an all-powerful federal reserve from this infographic.

The Evolution of Electronic Payments

This infographic visually represents the evolution of electronic payment technology from the first mention of the credit card in a novel published in 1887, the birth of ecommerce from the first online purchase, to the advancement of mobile payment technology.

Social Media Networking for Cosmetologists

Facebook alone has more than one billion active users per month. That’s a lot of people updating statuses, adding friends, and liking pages. That’s also a lot of people in need of a nice cut, color, and manicure — possibly from you. Ogle School takes a look at social networking for cosmetologists.

The Science of Getting Old

It’s a fact: Nobody lives forever. Aging is unavoidable. But what actually happens when you age? Why does your hair go grey? Why does your skin wrinkle? The following infographic details the reasons behind the most common signs of aging.