All About Auto Accidents

Did you know that car crashes are the number 1 cause of death for people ages 3 to 34? Or that California has the most vehicular fatalities? Learn more stats and facts about DUI’s and driving while distracted and get tips on how you can avoid becoming a statistic in this infographic.

Remodeling Your Bathroom on a Budget

Want to give your bathroom a fresh look? Bathrooms can be one of the most expensive rooms to renovate. With help from this infographic, you can cut costs and save some serious money when remodeling your bathroom. You can certainly get your dream bathroom on the tightest of budgets… it’s all about making the right choices!

Travel Destinations: Devon vs Majorca

In line with soaring UK temperatures and in a bid to increase tourism to the region, Stay In Devon has produced an infographic that directly compares a holiday at home to a holiday abroad. With an aim to contradict research from 2012, they have found statistics to prove that a holiday to Devon is a better option than a holiday to Majorca.

What’s Your Injury Worth?

Find out how much you may be worth in the event that your insurer has to pay out with this handy infographic from Provided For. Many people do not relies the reality of the prices that they could get for a simple broken bone or complete loss in functionality of the brain.

Demystifying Amazon Web Services (AWS): One Year Later

AWS is a significant player in the public cloud domain with an estimated 32% of the $6.2 Billion spend over the public cloud. The folks at Newvem have been analyzing trends in AWS cost and usage based on their users activity over Amazon Web Services. By comparing cost and usage data revealed last year, they’ve revealed significant improvements in everyday use of AWS EC2 On-Demand and Reserved Instance services, security, availability, and utilization.

Adding it All Up

Persons employed in fields of accounting and auditing can increase their salaries by adding further certification levels onto their base degrees. These fields are forecast to increase in demand by 16% through 2020. Learn more in the following infographic.

Guide to BBQ Sauce in the USA

We can distinguish barbecue from grilling by it’s lower cooking temperatures, longer cooking times, and use of smoke to infuse extra flavor. Like everything truly American, barbecue is a shared national pastime defined by regional traditions. Man Crates felt that American barbeque regions were important enough to get their own infographic explaining the character and differences between the regions.

What You Need to Know About Obamacare

Despite its 1900+ page length, and 234k words that impact substantive law, the basics of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) or Obamacare aren’t hard to grasp. In this infographic, see how Obamacare affects you and what will every American get starting 2014 in terms of health care.

Supplements Vs Food – A Visual Guide

Eating 97 raw asparagus spears might be a hard task just to get all the folate you need when you work out. Supplements can be the solution to this problem, like in so many other cases. Take a look at this infographic and discover more similar tips.

Home Visits for Medically Complex Patients

Visiting medically complex patients at home can shed light on health-related issues that might go undetected during an office visit, reducing the likelihood of unplanned admissions or emergency department visits by these patients. This infographic on home visits provides actionable data detailing who conducts the home visits, what happens during the visit, when the visits occur, why they are important and more.