Lock the Door on Theft – Home Security Tips

Did you know that one home is broken into every 14.6 seconds? Home theft may be more common than you think, but taking safety measures can greatly reduce your risk of a burglary attempt. This infographic shows surprising statistics about home theft and prevention tips that can help you protect you and your belongings.

Online Video By The Billions

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that online video is BIG business these days…and it’s only getting bigger. When you’re putting it in numbers, forget about hundreds, thousands and even millions…we’re talking BILLIONS. To put it simply, online video is a phenomenon which shows no sign of abating.

U.S. Gun Usage & Death Statistics

It may come as a surprise to many, but guns don’t cause anywhere near as many deaths as other unnatural causes do, even though the news and other media would have you believe otherwise. The facts speak louder than words, so get your data straight before spreading misinformation.

The Elaborate Life of the Jigsaw Puzzle

A jigsaw puzzle is a tiling puzzle that involves the tedious assembly of a number of small, fragmentary pieces, which are designed to interlock when placed correctly. Each piece usually has a small part of a larger image. Jigsaw puzzles were originally created by painting a picture on a flat, rectangular piece of wood, and then cutting that picture into small pieces, and became very popular in the United States during the Great Depression.

Rottweilers 101

Here is an infographic that provides everything you ever wanted to know about the Rottweiler canine breed, which highlights Rottweiler breed facts and trivia.

Movie Inspired Travel Destinations

Enjoy the sites of your favorite movies with these travel destinations that are inspired from some of your favorite films. Walk the halls of Hogwarts or visit a hobbit hole and feel like you are a part of the movie. Learn more about these movie inspired travel destinations in the following infographic.

How Intellectual Is Your Property

Did you know that intellectual property (IP) accounts for 20% of the US gross domestic product (GDP) and for 40% of the country’s economic gains? Or that IP-intensive industries employ close to 55 million workers? If you find yourself in one of these fields, it’s important to know the background of intellectual property and IP law in order to understand how to protect your own work.

Employers: Get The Scoop On Internships

In light of the many recent intern compensation lawsuits, it’s safe to say internships are in the spotlight. But as an employer, it’s your duty to provide your interns with a lot more than just fair compensation. In fact, if you’re not on trend with the current state of the internship, you’re bound to miss out on a slew of worthy candidates.