Oct 22, 2020 | Health Infographics
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a defining time for many people and nations around the world. Whether you know someone who has been infected by the virus or not, everyone’s way of life is being affected, from wearing a face mask in public to limiting social gatherings and restricting dine-in restaurant services. However, we are still in the midst of the pandemic, and its full impact on history will not be known for some time.
Oct 19, 2020 | Health Infographics
Sleep is something we all need. However for many, a good night sleep can be hard to achieve on a regular basis. A lack of sleep can leave you tired during the day. It can influence how much attention you have for work or test your patience when something stressful or irritating comes up. Good sleep hygiene practices help create the best possible environment and circumstances, so that falling asleep can happen more easily. As this infographic shows, sleep hygiene is about bringing stability to routines and calmness to the body.
Oct 19, 2020 | Transportation Infographics
Did you know that you could spend up to an astonishing £50,000 in your lifetime on fuel alone? But help is at hand! This infographic shows you how just a few simple changes to the way you drive could help to save fuel. From lowering your speed, lightening the weight you carry, selecting the right gear and more, you can implement these five quick and simple tips today.
Oct 19, 2020 | Parenting Infographics
Newborn and baby photography requires a special touch; it’s not for every photographer. It is almost certain that the baby will cry at some point during the session, especially when we are trying for those cute and curvy-posed types of photos. However, staying calm and having patience is the best way to calm your baby. In this simple infographic, discover the reasons why your baby may cry during a photo-shoot.
Oct 16, 2020 | Animated Infographics, Technology Infographics
Amazon, Apple, Google, and Microsoft are tech giants and monopolizers of the new economy. All the basic functions for the existence of the digital man depend on the services provided by these companies, so they are destined to dominate all ranges of future sales and income. However, the analysis carried out by the team at SlotVegas highlighted that two new digital sectors today have a higher turnover than these companies.
Oct 14, 2020 | Business Infographics
With the COVID pandemic being a central part of our lives now, it affects a lot of industries and the construction industry is not an exclusion. In this infographic, see how this pandemic has changed the construction sector and whether those changes are here to stay.
Oct 14, 2020 | Environmental Infographics
Breathing clean air and drinking clean water are two things many Americans take for granted, but perhaps we shouldn’t. In some parts of the country, the air is full of particulates, the ozone layer is thin, and tap water is rife with contaminants. Here is a list of the 100 most populated cities in the US and ranked them using our pollution index. These are US cities, ranked by air pollution, tap water pollution, and ozone levels.
Oct 9, 2020 | Finance & Money Infographics
If you don’t know how much you’ll need for retirement, this infographic is for you! In 7 steps, The Wealthy Alchemist shows you how to estimate how long your retirement will last, figure out your retirement expenses, and estimate how much you need to have invested to have the retirement you want
Oct 9, 2020 | Education Infographics
Almost monthly, UNESCO, in particular the Bureau of Education, publishes reports on the threats to the education sector through the coronavirus. One of the statements said that due to the disrupted educational process for millions of pupils and students, the world is threatened with degradation, as the level of education of the population will significantly decrease. The following infographic explores how education changed during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Oct 7, 2020 | Health Infographics
Many are getting creative with the face masks they create or purchase during these times, but are they all effective? The following infographic from Sock It To Me Blog details some of the different types of face masks you’re likely to come across. You’ll gain insight into what types of masks are most likely to protect you, your friends, and your family when going out in public.