Jun 20, 2013 | Health Infographics
Green coffee beans are the raw, unroasted seeds of Coffee fruits. According to new research from WebMD, “Ground green coffee beans, taken daily, seem to spur steady weight loss.” Because of this research and a recent episode of the Dr. Oz show devoted to the topic, green coffee beans are causing quite a buzz in the weight loss industry.
Jun 19, 2013 | Finance & Money Infographics
According to SB Wire, “U.S. citizens have taken up to $11.38 trillion consumer debt [in 2012].” These consumer debts result from outstanding expenditures that exceed consumers’ income. There are two main types of consumer debt that stimulate economic growth: revolving debt (i.e., credit cards), and non-revolving debt (i.e., auto loans or mortgages). Americans owe a combined total of $1.944 trillion in school, auto and furniture loans, alone.
Jun 19, 2013 | Education Infographics
The average day of a public school teacher doesn’t end when the bell rings and the students are gone. Class preparation, grading, bus duty, club advising, coaching and other non-instructional activities are often left out of the discussion on teacher compensation. The following infographic provides a glimpse at the teaching profession.
Jun 18, 2013 | Career Infographics
We all fudge the facts sometimes; from how big the fish we caught was to how old we are. Fudging the facts on a resume is one of the most common ways people stretch the truth. However, before you stretch the truth, fudge some facts, or down right lie on the next resume you submit keep in mind that many employers are starting to spend more time looking, researching, and reviewing resumes.
Jun 18, 2013 | Health Infographics
We all experience some common feet problems. Dr. Comfort provides us some great ways to take care of some of the simple ones one your own without having to make a visit to the foot doctor.Jun 18, 2013 | Home & Garden Infographics
Check out some of these unexpected tips and tricks for cost-effective carpet cleaning. Carpet cleaning has never been easier with these simple solutions, all presented in infographic format.
Jun 18, 2013 | Parenting Infographics
We all know being a parent is a tough old job – juggling so many demands on time and priorities. Just working to pay the bills eats into the time we get with our children. Sadly parents are losing confidence at playing, the majority (76%) often feeling self conscious and inadequate. Nearly half of parents (49%) felt envious or inadequate in comparison to other parents. And 1/3 think parents in general have just forgotten how to play with their kids. Moms and dads are giving themselves a hard time over this.
Jun 17, 2013 | Travel Infographics
Vacations can be great fun and a fantastic way to spend quality time together. Orlando Vacations surveyed over 60 families to see how they make their decisions on where to go and where to stay. The following infographic will show you how what influences their choices and insider tips to help you plan for your next vacation.
Jun 17, 2013 | Internet Infographics
In the last decade, we have seen the world cross a billion Internet-connected computers, the widespread adoption of Internet-enabled smartphones, the rise of the “cloud”, and the digitization of nearly every single photo, movies, song, and other file. Data has grown exponentially, devices have proliferated, and the risk of data loss has skyrocketed with these trends.
Jun 17, 2013 | Parenting Infographics
Everyone knows that times are tough and it is becoming more expensive then ever for raising a family. Single parent households continue to rise due to financial instability, unplanned pregnancies, and divorces. Finding the right solutions to these issues is very challenging, but if we work together as a nation, they can be improved.