Jun 17, 2013 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
For two weeks every year, televisions around the world echo the sounds of Wimbledon – each ball bounce, player’s shriek and spectators’ applaud. If you’re lucky enough to be one of the 15,000 spectators at Centre Court for the final, you’re the envy of every tennis enthusiast, from pro players to captivated housewives. But what’s so special about this tournament?
Jun 17, 2013 | Home & Garden Infographics
You just spent a good deal of money on a painting, make sure you display it correctly and take care of it properly. Check out these helpful tips on caring for your paintings.
Jun 14, 2013 | Health Infographics
Exercise increases the rate at which the body burns calories. In combination with the correct diet, it will lead to greater definition and the ability to build a six-pack. This infographic brought to you by Fightshop reveals the myths surrounding body fat, the most six-pack friendly and unfriendly foods and the most effective exercises for developing your core and sculpting your abdominal muscles. You CAN have that washboard stomach you’ve always dreamed of!
Jun 14, 2013 | Health Infographics
Breast cancer is still a very real threat to human nowadays no matter how hard people have been trying to fight against it. Everyday, breast cancer affects life of thousands of women throughout the world. The following infographic by PromoCode4Share.com provides a list that may help keep you from developing breast cancer.
Jun 14, 2013 | Lifestyle Infographics
Upon learning that on average, the UK spends about 50% less on Father’s Day than Mother’s Day, Red Letter Days investigated just how much Father’s Day means to the UK. Stats also show that Americans are much more generous, spending more on their fathers and mothers than the Brits. Take a look at this infographic and discover some Father’s Day stats which might make you want to re-think your Father’s Day gift this year.
Jun 14, 2013 | Lifestyle Infographics
Driving under the influence is a serious offense, but is a consequence like court-ordered Alcoholics Anonymous warranted? The following infographic from Saint Jude Retreats explores that and more as it takes you down the path of drinking and driving.
Jun 14, 2013 | Marketing Infographics
As of middle of 2013 the number of mobile device users accessing the internet has surpassed the number of desktop computer users. It is estimated that a whopping 119 billion USD will be spent via mobile eCommerce by year 2015. If your website is not ready for this mobile device revolution using Responsive Web Design Technique then you are losing potential businesses. In increasingly larger quantity with each passing month.
Jun 13, 2013 | Offbeat Infographics
It is not the fear and the terror that service members endure in the battlefield that inflicts most psychological damage, but feelings of shame and guilt related to the moral injuries they suffer. This infographic presents some of the main causes of suicide among armed forces officers.
Jun 13, 2013 | Travel Infographics
The following infographic provides a comparison of flying by private jet vs commercial airline. The Gulfstream G550 was used as a benchmark for the private jets and the A380 Airbus for commercial airlines. The figures are in pounds but nevertheless, quite interesting.
Jun 13, 2013 | Finance & Money Infographics
Do you know how far your pennies could go across the world? This infographic shows you how far your money could go that you’re using through their app. The results may shock you.