Elementary Info and Facts

Elementary is an American crime drama series that debut on CBS on September 27, 2012. Elementary give a contemporary update of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s character Sherlock Holmes located in the United States. Holmes is a previous adviser to Scotland Yard and also a junkie. Holmes is a deductive genius with a variety of interests and enthusiasms that work with him in his investigations. Feeling that the more stimulating criminal cases are in America, he lingers in New York. He goes to New York City to check into a rehabilitation center then resides with Watson, who became his lucid companion and ultimately his student.

The Best and Worst Foods for Your Teeth

You are what you eat! This is what others believe when it comes to identifying a person’s lifestyle and physical stature. It goes the same with the person’s oral hygiene. You dental health can be assessed by the foods that you eat and not just by brushing or flossing. This infographic provides a detailed representation of different types of foods that are friendly and also harmful to your oral health.

Top 10 Places to Live in Canada

It can be very difficult to pick any one “best city” in this beautiful country. How do you decide? Do you go by weather? Housing values? Employment numbers? For Canadian Mortgages’ purposes, they first went mainly by size, in both land size and/or population, and then discovered a recurring trend.

Scandal Info and Trivia

Scandal is an American political thriller television series starring Kerry Washington. Kerry Washington’s character, Olivia Pope, is partly based on former George Bush administration press assistant Judy Smith, who works as a co-executive producer. The show occurs in Washington, D.C. and concentrates on Olivia Pope’s crisis management firm, Pope & Associates, and its staff, along with staff at the White House.

Will You Lose Your Job to Technology?

The 20th century saw a massive loss of jobs in factories as machines replaced humans. The US economy moved to “services” and everyone was happy. Of course service jobs are not going to be replaced by machines are they? Think again!

History of the Lottery

Scholars disagree as to who started the lottery, but one thing’s for sure…it’s been around for a long time. This infographic takes a look at its history as well as providing some interesting statistics.

Is Your Industry Growing or Dying?

Construction and healthcare-related fields are expected to see exponential growth in the next decade, while jobs at the Post Office and newspapers, well, may go the way of the dodo. Masters In Human Resources Degree Guide takes a look at industries that are growing as well as those that may be dying.

The United States of Conspiracy

From a faked moon landing to reptiles controlling the world, Best Psychology Degrees shows us 12 of the weirder things Americans believe in the following infographic entitled, “The United States of Conspiracy.”