May 7, 2013 | Shopping Infographics
Getting ready to pop the question to that special someone? Brilliance has got your back with this helpful infographic on how to find that engagement ring that complements her unique style. You can read up on important aspects of engagement ring buying via sections like budget factors, choice of metals, how to choose a diamond setting, choosing the diamond itself, diamond shapes, the surprise factor, making your purchase, and how to protect your purchase.
May 7, 2013 | Business Infographics
It takes a different sort of mind to run a major company successfully. Sometimes it’s genius that sets apart the business elite-but sometimes it just may be madness. takes a look at the studies and profiles that show what make these leaders tick-and why that ticking sound may just be a psychopathic time bomb.
May 7, 2013 | Business Infographics
The objective of any business, be it brick-mortar or web based, is to maximize sales for greater profits. Like real world, it is achieved in the web realm by focusing on marketing and advertising. While efforts in mentioned fields bring fresh traffic, changing those potential visitors into buyers depends entirely on conversion funnel and related elements. Higher sales can be achieved by keeping buyer psychology in mind.
May 6, 2013 | Home & Garden Infographics
Is Britain becoming a nation of renters? The following infographic takes a look at the state of the current UK home renting market.
May 6, 2013 | Health Infographics
Did you know that every 20 minutes someone in North Carolina is hospitalized from a stroke? That’s 72 North Carolinians each day who are suffering from a brain attack that can be prevented with proper diet, exercise, and blood pressure control. The Justus-Warren Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force, the North Carolina Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Program, and The Carolinas Center for Medical Excellence invite you to help spread this important public awareness message by sharing this stroke infographic.
May 6, 2013 | Health Infographics
Malaria claims populations larger than the size of U.S. cities like Boston, Seattle, Baltimore, Denver, Seattle and Washington, D.C. every year. Let’s take a closer look at the progress that has been made in the fight against this needless killer that takes about 655,000 lives each year. Every minute, malaria claims a life in Africa; but, malaria mortality rates are falling. Just a few short years ago, statistics showed a child died every 30 seconds of the mosquito-borne disease.
May 6, 2013 | Education Infographics
Are you deciding on whether you should you live on or off campus during college? This is the question that every college student must answer before the school year begins. Learn more about the statistics of college off campus housing in this infographic from College Student Apartments which outlines the benefits of living off campus during college and the DOs and DON’Ts of choosing a place to live.
May 3, 2013 | Home & Garden Infographics
This infographic by The Independent uses data from the Guardian and the concept of the monopoly board to compare rents and the cost of living in the UK’s major cities, giving advice on how to make the most of being part of ‘Generation Rent’.
May 3, 2013 | Parenting Infographics
Is your precious baby rolling over already? Before you know it, she’ll be scooting herself around, pulling herself up on the furniture and then walking around the house. Here’s a baby proofing checklist from Baby Care Journals to make sure there are no hidden dangers.
May 3, 2013 | Lifestyle Infographics
If you were to have your last party, ever – how many people would be there in attendance? If this question itself is unsettling it is because you want your life to have an impact. A big one. But how do you count the impact of a life? Here is a rough estimation.