Preschool Popularity

Preschool has become the preference of American parents, with more than half enrolling their young children into these educationally focused programs for their many developmental, behavioral, and social benefits. Preschool is continually proven to give children every advantage by offering a developmentally appropriate curriculum, character education, health and fitness exercises, and technology education. By nurturing and improving these skills in young children, they are better prepared for success throughout school and life.

Menopause By the Numbers

“Menopause By the Numbers” is a fun interactive way to learn about menopause and it’s symptoms. In what age range is it typical for natural menopause to occur? How many women reach menopause in the United States each day? What percentage of women experience menopause symptoms? What are the five most common menopause symptoms? What percentage of women report using dietary supplements to relieve menopause symptoms?

The Rise of The Silver Surfers

The over-50 crowd of today is nothing like previous generations. Retirees and boomers right now are far more active, more involved, and better with technology than their parents or grandparents were and business and service providers are moving to keep up with them. If your idea of a pensioner is a grey-haired woman sitting in a rocking chair, you need an update. She and her friends are getting involved in all types of activities and they have interests that would surprise you.

Orlando by Numbers

If you’re fascinated by Orlando’s attractions and want to know the number of bricks in Legoland Florida or the size of all the lagoons at Typhoon Lagoon, take a look at this infographic from Attraction Tickets Direct.

Why Buying Local is Worth Every Cent

Supporting your local, independent business owners, makers, and artists can make a huge impact on your community’s economy. Buying local cuts down on transport, shipping, and packaging, creating a greener purchasing experience. Also, while big box retail generates a net annual deficit of $468 per 1,000 sq. ft., buying from local specialty retail produces a net annual RETURN of $326 per 1,000 sq. ft. This is because supporting local businesses keeps money in the community’s economy, rather than immediately sending the money to corporate headquarters off-site.

Formal Degree vs. Self Taught

Formal degree or self taught – which is better? A carefully designed course, filled with modules covering the industry’s most commonly requested skills; or hard work and self application, learning techniques as and when required? Check out the infographic below by to find out which is preferable.

The Daze After Tomorrow

We’ve turned form Greek oracles to biblical prophets to scientists to science fiction writers to today’s futurists to get a glimpse of what’s to come. Or maybe not. Sometimes the seers need glasses, or contracts of Lasik or whatever comes next in vision correction. We don’t know; we can’t see that far ahead.

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights

Probably the best way to protect an eBook is by using a secure DRM system like Adobe Content Server 4 or a much more affordable option like EditionGuard. These systems can make it more difficult for pirates to take advantage if eBooks and the additional security may just cause them to turn their attention to other eBooks that do not have the same level of protection. DRM systems aren’t impossible to defeat but sometimes simply making it harder for “pirates” is enough deterrent.