Apr 19, 2013 | Internet Infographics
We’ve turned the corner into spring — and for many people, that means spring cleaning time is here. Find out the latest home cleaning insights brought to you by Neato Robotics that shed light on the truth about home cleaning habits.
Apr 19, 2013 | Sports and Athletic Infographics
The London Marathon is here in which spectators will see thousands of professional athletes and enthusiastic runners take to the streets of London for the annual sporting event. While some participants run with victory and record breaking in mind, others see the race as one of the UK’s most famous fancy dress affairs, flaunting wacky costumes and light-hearted antics for very real charities.
Apr 19, 2013 | Business Infographics
Keeping clean and healthy in the office may be harder than you think. Did you know that 1 in 3 office workers have witnessed co-workers leaving restrooms without washing their hands? Or how about 53% of Americans don’t wash their hands after exchanging money? Or even The average person touches 300 surfaces every 30 minutes, exposing themselves to 840,000 germs?
Apr 18, 2013 | Internet Infographics
Twitter and Facebook have huge audiences, but smaller social networking sites for niche audiences from mustache lovers to knitters are picking up steam, with new ones popping up all the time. MyLife.com tracked down 12 unique sites for specific interest groups you might want to join or share with your cat-loving friend.
Apr 18, 2013 | Finance & Money Infographics
Payday loans are a highly contested form of consumer lending. Advocate groups fight to protect them while consumer groups work to limit or eliminate them completely. Currently, 12 states have laws that either ban payday loans or have strict lending laws which make them unprofitable in the state. Their payday laws have been compiled into one infographic, created by loans.org.
Apr 18, 2013 | Marketing Infographics
Who are the people behind marketing campaigns and how do they collaborate? In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, keeping everyone on the same page is no mean task. By understanding how marketers coordinate & collaborate, teams can stay in sync and work better, together. Take a look at this infographic from Brightpod to see the many faces of a marketing team! It provides a fun take on the different types of marketers, their favorite tools, what they read and how they collaborate.
Apr 18, 2013 | Lifestyle Infographics
If you are thinking about getting married or would just like to know what the road to wedding looks like, this infographic will definitely come to the rescue. It takes a look at different factors when it comes to making your way through dating scene into wedding. For example – Did you know that you are twice likely to find a date through friends and family than at a bar? What about the fact that 63% of married couples met through friends?
Apr 17, 2013 | Home & Garden Infographics
Making a home more comfortable can start with reassessing the energy that it uses. When thinking about giving your home an energy overhaul isn’t just about reducing your environmental footprint – it’s also about achieving a better quality of life. A deep energy retrofit is a holistic approach to making your home healthier and more comfortable.
Apr 17, 2013 | Historical Infographics
Have you ever wondered about the origins of electricity? Well, you’re in luck. In the infographic below, Powerwerx takes you on a journey from the first crude battery ever found in Mesopotamia to how Egyptians used a certain electric catfish from the Nile River.
Apr 17, 2013 | Technology Infographics
With the rise of smartphones, consumers are increasingly hungry for data-intensive apps and services. How powerful is this shift, and how will mobile providers cope with these new devices and usage habits? Vistapointe Inc has created this infographic to highlight some of the alarming trends in mobile data and put them into perspective. Sometimes, large numbers are best expressed visually to provide a sense of scale.