E-Waste Explosion: A Growing Concern

In 2010, the United States disposed of some 2,439,000 tons of waste generated from electronic devices. 649,000 of these tons were recycled, while an astounding 1,790,000 were thrown in landfills or incinerated. These disused electronics have come to be referred to colloquially as “E-Waste.” Learn more about this topic in the following infographic by MetroFax Blog.

The BYOD (Bring-Your-Own-Device) Party

Hosting a party takes a lot of organization and the right amount of precaution. Throwing a free-for-all party with little preparation and no rules leaves valuables and property at risk. Allowing BYOD in the workplace follows the same formula. Check out this fun new BYOD Party infographic and learn how you can keep it under control.

On-Prem or Outsource: What’s Best For Your Business?

Whether or not a business decides to go with on-premise infrastructure or use an ESP or SaaS application for managing emails really depends on a variety of factors. Regardless, the debate rages on between advocates of both camps. So what’s really the best for your business? To settle this age old question that has plagued marketers since the inception of the Internet, check out the infographic below.

Hearing Loss – Guidance for Family and Friends

For most people, hearing loss happens slowly – so slowly in fact that it’s hard to notice it deteriorating at all. Indeed, you may realize somebody has signs of hearing loss before they realize themselves. This infographic from Hidden Hearing provides information on hearing loss and provides some guidance for family and friends of the one losing their hearing.

4 Medical Advances Made Possible by BLDC Motors

This infographic explores how the BLDC motor has helped advance medical devices, such as those used to help with sleep apnea, blood clot prevention and mobile breathing assistance. The brushless DC motor is known for being efficient, quiet and spark free, which makes it perfect for use in medical device machining.