Big Things of Australia

The following infographic by East Coast Car Rentals intends to educate the tourists about some Australian travel attractions. The big things of Australia are considered as the most popular roadside tourist destinations in the world. Big things refer to the sculptures, monuments and architectural structures built roadside in different places of the country. These structures are highly significant as they represent the local heritage, culture and traditions being observed over the years.

Is Your Body Toxic?

Body cleansing is thought to have derived from the ancient Egyptian and Greek notion of “autointoxication”: a metabolic condition that results in unintentional, self-poisoning due to toxin buildup in the body. Preemptive cleansing measures were used to counteract the onset of this disorder. The following infographic from explains why everyone needs to cleanse.

What Your Instagram Filter Says About You

Are you one of the 100 million active users generating 40 million photos a day on Instagram? As a marketer, user generated content is a gold mine for insights and can be a nice complement to any content marketing strategy. The infographic below from the folks at Marketo explains the psychology behind the top 10 Instagram filters, and profiles the personalities of the photographers who use them.

Bitcoin 101: The Digital Currency Revolution

Bitcoin is the first currency of its kind to show true potential to become much more than just an Internet sensation (which it definitely is). Bitcoin is developing into a major player in the world economy at large. This infographic by Online Accounting Degree Guide offers some of the facts and figures that show how bitcoins (BTC) will give dollars and yen a run for their money.

Lifestyle of Rich and Poor Bed Bugs

When it comes to bed bugs, a lot of people think infestation is limited to third world countries. Unfortunately, they are making a come-back right here in the U.S. Another common misconception is that they will only be found in cluttered, dirty homes. Also not true. The truth of the matter is, they can be found anywhere from 5 star hotel to a trashed college dorm room. So brace yourself and enjoy some fun facts about the Lifestyles of Rich and Poor Bed Bugs by Rove Pest Control.

Game of Loans has compiled information from the Kauffman Foundation and LegalZoom in order to show how gender and age, along with education, were represented among entrepreneurs in 2012. It turns out, while women entrepreneurs tend to be more educated than their male counterparts, they only account for one third of last years’ startup owners. When it comes to finances, entrepreneurs of both genders relied heavily on their own funds rather than using business loans to start their companies.

Do You Have Digital Eye Strain?

We all enjoy spending time surfing the internet or playing games on our smartphone, but do you sometimes find your eyes feel dry and tired, or your neck aches after a long period in front of a screen? This is known as CVS or digital eye strain. Here is an informative and fun infographic to give you a better idea of the causes, symptoms and solutions to overcoming this modern day obstacle.

Warning Signs of a Catfish Online

The Internet and social media has allowed people to connect in new and easier ways. But how do you know if the person on the other end is who they say they are? In the online world, a “Catfish” is someone who pretends to be someone they are not by creating a false identity on Facebook or other sites. Notre Dame football player Manti Te’o notoriously fell for a fake girlfriend hoax.