Basketball Picks

The NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Championship is a single elimination tournament performed each spring in the United States, featuring 68 college basketball teams, to determine the national championship of the major college teams. The following infographic from Bang the provides some interesting statistics surrounding these tournaments.

Degree Dilemma: Is a College Degree Worth It?

Despite the growing belief that a college degree may not be worth it, many Americans still strongly believe in the necessity. As the gap widens between the two philosophies, we decided to look at the data. This infographic contains recently published facts and figures on the subject.

The Dangers of Texting While Driving

This infographic from BGS shows the dangers there are with texting and driving. Texting while driving has become more dangerous than drinking and driving yet not one is talking about how much more deadly texting while driving is. Hopefully this infographic will help to raise awareness of this important issue and get people to think twice about texting the next time they are behind the wheel.

What We Think About Abortion

While a slim majority of Americans believe abortion should be legal in most cases, even a brief close-up examination of public opinion reveals a complicated and nuanced picture that exposes both political differences and semantic ones. Learn more in the folowing infographic by

How to Get Your Criminal Record

There are several reasons you may want to get your criminal record. First is for job purposes; that is to see what your employers can find on you. The second is to begin the process of cleaning your record or applying for an expungement. Lastly, you may want to request your record after an expungement, to make sure it no longer exists.

Revenge of the Speed Cameras

Amazingly, the UK has more speed cameras than Italy and Spain put together, and has more speed cameras policing its roads than Germany and France, two of the biggest countries in Europe. The UK’s speed cameras generate a massive £87m a year in profit for the treasury. Find out more shocking infographic facts, including the UK’s most lucrative speed cameras, in Revenge of the Speed Cameras by JMW.

Commuting to UCLA

UCLA Transportation produces an annual State of The Commute report that records and analyzes the commute behaviors of the UCLA community. The information in this infographic is based on figures generated from the 2012 State of The Commute report. UCLA Transportation supports the campus community by providing for safe and efficient commute options and mobility in an environmentally responsible manner.

38 Benefits of Owning A Dog

It’s a pretty well known fact that owning a dog (as well as other pets) can greatly improve our lives. has taken a moment and compiled a list of all the reasons they feel it’s beneficial to own a dog. Happiness, health, and longevity are just a few of the benefits.