Mar 8, 2013 | Business Infographics
Creating a successful company to make millions before your face gets wrinkled and your hairline starts to recede (well… at least for most) is what these entrepreneurs are all about. Meet 10 entrepreneurs who are booming with business in expert time in the following infographic.
Mar 8, 2013 | Finance & Money Infographics
In recent years, financial fraud has increased in correspondence with advancing technology. Learn some of the hard core facts about how much money credit card and online scams cost you in this infographic from AAGP.
Mar 8, 2013 | Finance & Money Infographics
Bank of America’s Merrill Edge Report is a semi-annual study that offers an in-depth look at the financial concerns, priorities and behaviors of mass affluent consumers, defined as people with $50,000-$250,000 in total household investable assets. Here is the data compiled in an easy-to-read infographic.
Mar 7, 2013 | Lifestyle Infographics
Wedding planning is often more important to the big day than the actual day itself! From boutonnieres to bridesmaids, invitations to ivory gowns, every detail must be executed perfectly…at least, that’s the hope. This infographic provides the storybook details.
Mar 7, 2013 | Finance & Money Infographics
We all love the idea of day trading, but deep inside the truth behind day trading is different to what many expect. This infographic provided by TradivingSim provides some hard facts about the reality behind day trading, and some actionable tips to keep in consideration.
Mar 7, 2013 | Technology Infographics
AmericanEHR recently conducted a survey, “Mobile Usage in the Medical Space”, to better understand health practitioners’ usage of mobile technology. The survey helps address questions such as: how many physicians are using mobile technology, what smartphone brands they prefer, what features they use and how often they use them?
Mar 7, 2013 | Transportation Infographics
American Trucking Industry is an essential part of the American industry as truckers transport several million tons of products each day. Across the country, day and night drivers never stop. The following infographic provides some interesting facts about the American trucker.
Mar 7, 2013 | Environmental Infographics
With a growing awareness of the myriad of threats now facing modern society, an increasing emphasis is being placed on policies of sustainability, environmental protection, and green living. This infographic looks at what six of the world’s largest cities are doing in the name of going green.
Mar 6, 2013 | Technology Infographics
These days, the concept of the cloud is nothing new as everyone is sharing their data on it. However, 3D designers have a different set of rules they must follow in order to keep their creative property secure. 3DVIA has put together an infographic about the cloud as seen through the eyes of a 3D artist.
Mar 6, 2013 | Transportation Infographics
If a consumer with a new auto loan has their car stolen, or gets into an accident, insurance companies will pay for the current market value of the car, but not what a borrower owes a lender. If a driver prepared ahead of time and purchased GAP insurance, that would cover the difference in between the two numbers. Not all consumers have this coverage though and it can make a big impact, especially for those who drive one of the top five stolen vehicles, as revealed below. But fortunately, not every auto heist is well-planned either.