Jan 18, 2013 | Parenting Infographics
When driving your kids, parents know how important car safety, especially car seat safety is for babies and for toddlers. 21st Century Auto Insurance recently created the visual Guide to to Child Car Safety below to offer parents important tips and facts on how to protect kids riding in a car.
Jan 18, 2013 | Finance & Money Infographics
Life insurance is a big deal. For many people, it’s among the most important purchases they will ever make. A well-chosen life insurance policy can protect those closest to you from hard financial times after you are gone. It can help your family cover the costs of your funeral, major remaining debts, children’s higher education, and others as well as replace your lost income.
Jan 18, 2013 | Career Infographics
This infographic, compiled by social recruitment platform Zao.com, illustrates 13 simple employee referral resolutions any organization can take to build great teams from the inside out, such as providing program feedback and referring the right jobs to the right people.
Jan 18, 2013 | Law and Legal Infographics
The Teen and Police Service Academy’s (T.A.P.S. Academy) goal is to reduce the social distance between at-risk youth and law enforcement. This goal will be accomplished through learning, interaction and discussion between at-risk youth and the law enforcement personnel that serve their communities. The data provided displays information surveyed on effectiveness from the 2011 semester.
Jan 17, 2013 | Internet Infographics, Transportation Infographics
This interactive infographic from Sixt attempts to simply and straightforwardly present all the complex rules and regulations surrounding driving across Europe in a clean, easy to understand format. It includes drunk driving laws, speed limits, items you’re legally required to have in the car, and some humorous observations about driving in each country.
Jan 17, 2013 | Health Infographics
Health and safety is intended to protect us and our loved ones from the dangers of day to day life. But, more and more we see health and safety regulations being interpreted all too literally. Issues arise because of these foolish “word of the law” interpretations.
Jan 17, 2013 | Transportation Infographics
Finding yourself stranded in your car due to treacherous conditions like snow, ice, poor visibility and slick roads only to discover you have junk in the trunk, rather than the necessary roadside emergency supplies, can place you and your family in jeopardy. According to a new survey by State Farm® and KRC Research, more than 60 percent of drivers had some sort of “junk” (non-emergency supplies) in their trunk ranging from extra clothes and shoes to used food or drink containers. While 99 percent of drivers had at least one emergency supply in their vehicle, such as spare tire or jumper cables, a mere nine percent carried all the essential emergency roadside supplies.
Jan 17, 2013 | Environmental Infographics
Green building is smart building. Aside from their obvious benefit to the environment, green buildings deliver financial savings, are more comfortable, healthier, return higher productivity rates and have higher resale values. See this infographic by Green Building Canada for a quick look at why building green makes so much sense.
Jan 16, 2013 | Health Infographics
Approximately 48% of all intensive care unit patients have catheters at some point during their hospital stay in the United States. However, central lines, like any venous catheter, disrupt the integrity of the skin, which can cause deadly bloodstream infections. Studies show that 90% of catheter-related bloodstream infections occur with central lines. That’s why proper catheter insertion and maintenance is so important. Our curos disinfecting port protectors help with infection control in hospitals.
Jan 16, 2013 | Home & Garden Infographics
This step by step house moving guide checklist, created by the folks at Property24, will help you move with ease as it breaks down the moving processes.