Dec 6, 2012 | Marketing Infographics
Every month 22,000 people search for the term “YouTube Marketing” because YouTube is easy to work with and it has proved to bring tangible results. Check out this infographic for information about using YouTube for branding and SEO.
Dec 5, 2012 | Health Infographics
Obese individuals may have to deal with a number of health problems, including foot pain. In fact, overweight people have a 140% greater chance of developing plantar fasciitis. Learn about the symptoms of plantar fasciitis in this infographic.
Dec 5, 2012 | Business Infographics
The following is a “choose your own adventure” interactive infographic to help you understand COBRA insurance and whether or not it is the right choice for you after job loss.
Dec 5, 2012 | Business Infographics
Do the temperature, paint choices, and office layout of your commercial real estate space affect how well your employees are able to work in the office? Find out why almost half of all workers think their work would improve in a better office environment in this infographic.
Dec 5, 2012 | Finance & Money Infographics
In this infographic by FunSherpa see some interesting facts on how much do Americans spend over Christmas. The average family budget for Christmas in 2012 is $749.51. That’s up over from the $740.57 that an average family spent last year. Early Shoppers spend 14% more than the average shopper. US parents are spending $271 on average per child this holiday season. The biggest portion of total Spending goes to Gifts. The average Gift budget for each family is $548.56 followed by Food and Candy ($100.76) and decorations ($51.99)17% of people borrow money to fund their holiday shopping spree whereas 38% depend on their savings
Dec 5, 2012 | Health Infographics
The following infographic aims to explain the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of Candida, which is an illness that affects millions of people worldwide. This infographic is designed to spread awareness and increase education about this condition.
Dec 4, 2012 | Shopping Infographics
The holidays are here, and many Americans have already started their Christmas shopping. How much are we expected to spend on Christmas cards, gifts, and decorations this year? Kremp Flowers takes a peek in the following infographic.
Dec 4, 2012 | Travel Infographics
Check out these celebrity vacation home reviews from FlipKey and get the skinny on the destinations and amenities that earn the attention of well-known icons from Angelina Jolie to Richard Branson
Dec 3, 2012 | Health Infographics
Most people don’t make it to their 100th birthday. In fact, only one in 5,000 people are expected to live that long. In the following infographic by Best MHA Programs see what centenarian’s secrets to a long healthy life are.
Dec 3, 2012 | Education Infographics
Think you don’t use algebra in your everyday life? Then you must never have to decide how much gasoline to put in your car’s tank. And that frog you dissected in biology? You probably don’t work as a professional frog dissector, but you should have picked up a basic understanding of bodily systems that applies directly to your own physiology. The following infographic shows why your teacher was right.