Jun 21, 2012 | Transportation Infographics
The following infographic shows how some of the world’s largest auto makers perform in the world’s biggest markets. As would be expected, the United States ranks high on the list of the most cars purchased in a particular country. It was only second on this list with 12,775,346 car sales. China claimed the top spot with 18,350,000 cars sold last year.
Jun 21, 2012 | Technology Infographics
This timeline, developed by Aranca, shows the rise and fall of technology giants such as Kodak, Xerox, Motorola and RIM, highlighting their key patents, innovations as well as the disrupting innovations and technology of competitors.
Jun 21, 2012 | Home & Garden Infographics
Eurofit Direct blog writes about home improvement and DIY related news and articles, and to compliment the topics, they have now developed a infographic entitled “Kitchens: Heart Of The Home.” The infographic looks at kitchens and how they are the heart of homes across the world. But rather than look at traditional things, they took a different angle.
Jun 20, 2012 | Food & Drink Infographics
To celebrate McDonald’s summer lineup of McCafé blended-ice beverages, McDonald’s commissioned Kelton, a leading public opinion company, to explore the ‘State of Chill’ in America with a national survey. From female to male, old to young and married to single – Americans have varying degrees of chill fueled by their clothes, music, location and time of day.
Jun 20, 2012 | Parenting Infographics
This infographic shows the results of survey amongst mothers about self esteem during and after pregnancy. It also reveals what the most popular gift is for mothers after they have given birth.
Jun 20, 2012 | Career Infographics
In this infographic you will get a feel for the salary data of a licensed physical therapist within the United States. The infographic provides a nice insight into the expected salary of a physical therapist by showing the median salaries over the last decade, average pay vs other health care jobs, salary by years of experience, skill level, gender, and by region.
Jun 19, 2012 | Home & Garden Infographics
Generational selling is something that is very important to consider as a Realtor in today’s market. This infographic from Smith & Associates displays the differences in personality, communication, financial stages, technology familiarity, and what is important to each person in the sales process.
Jun 19, 2012 | Entertainment Industry Infographics
Laughlin Constable uses social monitoring tools to calculate the influence of Lady Gaga. If the Twitter community were large enough, one of her tweets could reach the entire population of the world and then some. This and other interesting stats below.
Jun 18, 2012 | Marketing Infographics
Landing pages are an important part of marketing campaigns. The first thing a visitor sees on your website is the landing page they land on, so having a top quality landing page is must for success of any campaign. The following infographic will help you to learn how to create an effective landing page that can convert your visitors into customers and the best practices of landing page optimization.
Jun 18, 2012 | Internet Infographics
The following infographic from EmailTray provides visualized stats on the worldwide and country-specific rates of email spam and phishing across 2011-2012. Learn interesting facts about most spammed countries, most popular spam categories and most affected brands and get practical advice on how to avoid being scammed.