Are You a Hoarder?

You’ve probably seen the Hoarders, the television show documenting people living in deplorable conditions they created themselves. Extreme cases of 5-year old yogurt and cat carcasses aside, compulsive hoarding — purchasing, acquiring, searching out and saving items of no real value — is a clinically recognized disorder. It’s estimated that 2-5 percent or 5-15 million Americans meet the criteria for being hoarders.

Healthy Eyes in a Digital World

Everywhere we go these days, our digital world tags along with us. People spend an average of 6 hours per day in front of some kind of digital device whether that be a PC, laptop, tablet, smart phone or digital television. Have you ever considered what effect that might have on your eyes?

For The Love Of Dogs

Did you know that 40% of dog owners hang Christmas stocking for their dogs? Or how about the fact that one third of dog owners admit that the dog goes along on the family vacations? These and other fun facts about our canine friends included in this infographic.

How To Buy Diamonds Without Breaking the Bank

Let’s face it: buying a diamond can feel overwhelming and sometimes downright confusing. This is especially true if you’re shopping on a budget. The following diamond buying guide by Brilliance provides some tips on how to save money and still get that “WOW” factor when buying a diamond or a ring.

Not A Drop to Drink

You’ve heard there’s a water crisis. But, what does that mean? After all, experts can say all they want, but when water flows in seemingly limitless quantities out of the tap and gets trucked to cities in bottles by the ton, it sure doesn’t seem like water is something we’re in danger of losing anytime soon. However, water quantity and quality should be a top issue for Americans.

Does Birth Order Influence Financial Behavior?

Numerous studies have attempted to prove, and consequently disprove, the birth order theory first proposed by Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychotherapist and Sigmund Freud collaborator. Does birth order truly play a significant role in outlining our personalities, or is this merely a theory perpetuated by pop culture? CouponCabin’s new survey links our birth order to how we handle our finances.

The Legalities of Cloud Software

Businesses are beginning to leverage cloud software as a powerful and affordable tools for data management. This new interface is cheap, effective and efficient for small and large businesses. As cloud software adoption rates begin to rise, so do the number of skeptics. Since your information is stored virtually anywhere in the world by third party vendors, it is uncertain who owns copyright or intellectual property within the cloud.

The Cost of Bad Buy/Sell Decisions

Ask 10 people what investing means, and chances are they’ll all say “growing your money.” Yet despite popular Hollywood portrayal of how investing works, research shows that most of us still try to time the market, typically resulting in buying high and selling low. In this infographic, Jemstep examines why many of our buy/sell decisions are wrong, the damage it does to our portfolios, and a better way to invest for maximum returns over the long run.

Why You Should Take A Holiday

Eleven percent of people in the UK have taken fewer holidays recently due to fears about their work and the economic situation. But not taking a break can take a toll on your health, piling on stress and tension with little relief. The following infographic from breaks down how people are getting away, and why they should do it more often.