Making Patient Experience a Priority

“Patient experience” may be the latest buzzword in the healthcare industry, but few organizations really understand what it is and how to improve it. The following infographic published by Beryl Health explains why patient experience should be more than just a buzzword and why “closing the loop” is more important than ever.

7 Reasons to Embrace Online Culture

2 billion people are online. 85% of customers expect businesses to be active in social media. Word of mouse = word of mouth. You can hate social media but if you are looking to gain business, you certainly can’t ignore it. The following infographic published provides 7 reasons to embrace online culture and some thought provoking questions to get you loving Facebook, Twitter, emarketing, blogs and more.

Very “Pinteresting” – Demographics on Pinterest Users

One thing marketers and brand managers cannot ignore is the fact that Pinterest has provoked a resurgence of web site referrals, which have been trending downward since the advent of other social sites like Facebook and Twitter. The details included in the following infographic will help you better understand this audience and ultimately, the undeniable impact of Pinterest as a referral platform.

America’s Billion Dollar Baby Scam

Marketers makes billions betting each year on the anxieties of American parents and their willingness to overspend on their babies. The official Big Baby line: when it comes to the $800 strollers and Mommy and Me Yoga, families concerned with the best in health and safety will spend to catch up.

What’s Driving Consumer Confidence in 2012?

In early 2012, the Idea Group at Communispace had conversations with hundreds of members of the agency’s private online communities about what made them confident (or not-confident) about their ability to make purchases this year. They found that overwhelmingly, personal factors such as savings and cash on hand much more heavily impacted consumer confidence than macro factors like the economy and stock market – and that 2012 was characterized as a year to spend, not to save.

The Scenic Route to a Longer Life

There are certain widely accepted paths to good health and a longer life. But if quitting smoking, eating a balanced diet, and maintaining a healthy weight aren’t your thing, what’s an aspiring centenarian to do?The following infographic from provides some additional options to help maintain a long life.

Maternity Leave: American Moms Deserve Better

Some Americans believe that emerging nations are unable to provide basic necessities and that so-called socialist states are indifferent to individual needs. The numbers tell a happier story, in regards to newborns and mothers across the globe. But how about those in America?

Bridesmaids by the Numbers

Wedding tradition stands strong when it comes to bridesmaids. Of the 11 million bridesmaids in action each year, brides still like having this entourage to help her stand out. What’s probably changed the most is the cost of being a bridesmaid. There’s no getting around it—it’s an expensive honor as this infographic from LookLoveSend will reveal.

Strange Taxes & Deductions

Whether you’re getting bagels sliced in New York or donating deceased deer to the poor in South Carolina, there are a ton of strange taxes and deductions out there. This infographic from Liberty Tax details some of them, just in time for tax season.

Dream On: The Importance of Sleep

Good ol’ sleep – there are those who love it too much and those who think it a hindrance to productivity. This infographic showcases some studies on just how dangerous—and costly—sacrificing sleep can be, and concludes with some facts on how you can try and improve your sleep quality if it’s something you struggle with.